Mine. [Envi]

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Um, I hate this man- but my therapist said to turn my hatred into good things so I wrote about him. Enjoy this trash

Everything hurt. Though the worst of her wounds had already been "kindly" treated by the second in command (Y/N)'s body still ached from his brutal touch. She loathed him, more than anyone else in the world she hated Envi- the only thing that kept her from strangling the demon to death was her sister's life hanging mockingly over her head.

Finally her home was in sight and as she moved to the front door and quietly turned the knob she found herself in the immediate interrogation of a familiar gray haired girl. "Sis...." (Y/N) mumbled somewhat surprisedly as her elder sister began to vent her worriedness to the younger girl.

Don't say a thing.

"(Y/N)! Where were you? I almost had to call that stupid father of ours I was so worried-!"

Don't tell the truth.

"Sorry, sis! I thought I left a note that I was going out for a walk." Flashing her perfected false smile (Y/N) once again hid the truth from her beloved sister.

He'll kill her if anyone finds out.

Kurotsuno's worried expression changed into a look of mild irritation and relief at her words. "Geez....going out alone like that is dangerous you moron." She scolded, frowning slightly at the carefree expression on the (E/C) girl's face.

"Haha, I'll try to be more careful!" (Y/N) smiled as her sister rolled her eyes slightly in doubt.

"Come on, dinner's almost ready." Kurotsuno sighed, finding it impossible to stay mad at the innocent girl and instead grabbed her hand, leading her further into their manor. Once again unaware of her sister's turmoil....


Everything hurt. His head spun and his heart burned with a desire that should not have been there, and yet here he was- the devil's right hand man hunched over against the wall, drenched in a cold sweat as he attempted to shake off the demanding thoughts that wracked his brain.

"It's all her fault..." He muttered, grasping at the fabrics of his shirt as he recounted every vivid detail of the girl; her sparkling eyes that bursted with a delectable fear, her soft skin beneath his hands, the sweet taste of her lips when he-no. He couldn't think like this, she was nothing to him.

"Worthless." Envi attempted to assure himself as he leveled out his breaths. "She's nothing- nothing but a nuisance that needs to be terminated. She's not a real demon, she has the nerve to oppose the devil- she's an enemy!" Yes, an enemy. The only reason he'd even been using her body to begin with was to teach her a lesson. He never meant for this to happen- for these feelings to appear.

The more he denied it however, the more his heart throbbed with want. Perhaps this was how Sir Devil felt about the flame devil? No that wasn't right- Envi did not love her, he couldn't love her.

And yet.....somehow the thought of calling her his, to have her belong to him and no one else....almost brought a rare smile to his lips.


The Next Day.....

It was an unusually calm day for the young demon, her friends and sister had all gone out earlier leaving the girl to her own plans; which of course involved sitting in her favorite bar with a hot cup of tea in front of her.

The scent of freshly brewed green tea soothed her nerves and eased her worries as she stared down into the dark amber colored drink with a distant gaze.

Tainted Love (Okegom x Reader Oneshots)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora