Galatea. [Fumus]

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I tried, I really tried to make this not one of those classic "Fumus is a douchebag" stories but like, what else is he? Ah, sinners know what you came here for, enjoy this request by: @xXNyancat808Xx

It was another day in the office, the smell of stale coffee and the start of spring filled the room as the angels bristled about; Rosemary shifted through some papers steadily and Charlotte gently polished the expensive wood desks placed around the room. Lasafam was lucky enough to be granted sentry duty that morning, a temporary break from their paperwork prison. 

A slight clatter from the other side of the room attracted Egmont's attention and he glanced up to look at Taffy; the head angel's hands were shaking slightly as he carried the silver coffee tray but his stoic gaze was hiding the anxiety that filled the room since daybreak.

"Do you think...she's alright?" Elwine asked, her already soft voice was just barely above a whisper.

Nobody answered, there could be a great deal of trouble if they got caught shirking work to speak of their comrade, the risk was not worth the punishment, they decided, no matter how much worry they felt for the poor girl.

"Egmont, could you hand me those documents?" Rosemary gave a thin lipped smile to the green angel as he passed the papers to her.

Elwine didn't say anything more, after the devastating loss of her sister it  became even harder to deal with the cruel punishments bestowed to them by their creator and yet here they were, pitifully pretending that nothing was wrong as though (Y/N) would somehow walk through the door safe and unharmed.

Another ear piercing wail shattered those hopes and Rosemary continued shifting through the papers.
(Y/N) struggled for a minute and then choked, whether it was on her bile infused saliva or on the clouds of smoke she was trapped under she wasn't quite sure, but she knew for damn sure that her cruel overseer was enjoying her pain.

She could see his violet eyes glow amidst the smog as he reclined back in his chair, the corners of his lips tugged upwards in a smirk as he folded one leg over another contentedly. 

"What's the matter? I thought I told you to come here, (Y/N)." His idea of a joke, he had already broken one of her legs.

Still, the handicapped angel tried to comply, pushing herself onto her knees and forcing her weight onto her discolored hands in an attempt to lift herself off the ground; an unceremonious twist sent her stumbling back onto her injured limb, prying a strained cry of agony from the girl as she wept atop her swollen leg.

"Pitiful." The God snuffed out his cigarette on the nearby ashtray and reached forwards to deliver a harsh tug on the leash settled around his underling's neck.

(Y/N) grunted as she fell forwards, her face only inches away from her God's lap as she gripped at the chair legs for some stability.

"Hmph. Such a weakling you are, did you truly expect to get away from me so easily?" He taunted, leaning in with smoke tinted breath to leer at his prey.

A dull flicker of defiance welled within (Y/N) as Fumus grinned at her bloodied face. "That's funny, I don't see Nadine anywhere."

She could feel the pain erupting across her face before it was even smashed against the floor; a sharp cracking noise telling her that some of the marble tiling had broken upon the impact of her collision. (Y/N) quivered, wincing as shards of broken marble dug into her thin flesh.

"You want me to beat some obedience into that thick skull of yours?" Fumus's voice sounded dissonant above the angel or maybe it was just her trauma wracked brain still rattling around.

"Guh!" (Y/N) croaked in pain as a hand dragged her up by her hair, bringing her face to face with her creator and abuser.

"You're lucky that death is too good for you traitorous angels or I'd have you mistakes lynched on the spot." He scoffed, anger dwelling in the pits of his indifferent eyes.

"Do it then, you can create another angel to replace me anyways, right?" (Y/N) bargained to no avail, watching as her creator's face lit up into a sinful look of amusement.

Fumus released her carelessly, watching as she fell onto the broken floor with a pained cough and proceeded to stand from his seat so that he loomed above his victim. "Of course I could, I'm a god, (Y/N), burning down this world and starting a new one would be child's play for me." He paused and knelt in front of (Y/N), forcing her chin up so that her fear stricken eyes met his own menacing ones, "But you are useful, far more than Nadine or even Taffy, and you are mine."

Fumus stood and lit another cigarette, his eyes glowed faintly and (Y/N) wondered what he could possibly still be wanting to achieve. Her eyes followed him slowly as he moved leisurely across the room to a table; one she was well acquainted with as the variety of metallic tools gleamed at her in the dull light.

(Y/N) felt her heart sink as she watched Fumus's hand pause above a pair of shears before finally grasping them and twirling them carelessly in his long fingers, taking agonizingly slow steps towards (Y/N) as the pale lady tried desperately to push herself back into the corner.

Fumus stopped in front of her when her back finally hit one of the dank walls and he examined her wings; amongst all the carnage, sinewy flesh, knotted scabs, and obsidian bruises, her wings remained a magnificently pure snow white.

Pure, untainted.


Crouching in front of his subordinate in a more careful manner then before the dark haired deity stroked one of the soft feathers and watched contentedly as his blood riddled hands tainted the pale wings beautifully. "It's true Nadine slipped away from me but only because I was too careless with her, perhaps this time some more....necessary precautions are required to make sure you don't go tumbling after her."

(Y/N) stared at her reflection in the steel shears with unblinking eyes but felt her mouth open in a voiceless shriek when she saw Fumus hold a blood stained feather in front of her face, the realization finally sunk in.

"Do you know what happens to little birdies who can no longer fly?" The cold edge of the blade touched her wings and finally a tear was dragged from (Y/N)'s eye.

"They learn to stay in the nest."
I constantly imagine that Fumus's world is some sort of black mirror like life where everything appears to be perfect but it's actually so demented that everybody just ignores it and goes with the system.

Also, pro tip: This chapter's name is based off of the Greek myth Galatea which is about a sculptor who is infatuated with his creation.

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