Fleeting Love. [Old]

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The vast seas of azure blue disappear as swirls of crimson fluid trail through it, the blood of old grudges and century old wars staining the ocean with their endless hate, the shining pearl above the girl continues to melt and drip away in its molten pain and the shadow of a man looms over her, an unreadable expression on his marred face.

The girl opens her mouth to speak, words of contempt bubbling in her dry columns of her throat, but the only thing that spills from her mouth is her own blood, the taste of cold iron fills her mouth but she continues to glare up at the menace before her.

He, in turn, looks back at her with a hardened expression, her gentle smile is not present, it does not haunt him in her final moments and he is grateful for that. Despite his own blood soiled hands, it was he who sought her mercy as he looked down at the open wounds forming bloodied ravines across her torso. He spoke a word, sorrowful, bitter, hopeful even, as he watched her die.

She says nothing and he speaks once more- a name. "(Y/N)..." It sounds solemn and cold, but it suits her well as she looks up at him with enigmatic eyes, unwavering like a statue.

He watches her and his mind drifts into the past. Clear tides, a bright sun, the taste of sweet apples beneath a shady tree; the clusters of life that filled his fellow familiar's sparkling eyes, and then- anger, a fiery promise of defeat and death to the man who betrayed their master, the man named Old looked to her that day with a grin as she cried and yelled and fought against him, as a shining pearl illuminated the sky, the man left and the girl cried after him, replacing the sound of his name with the cold voice suited for a traitor.

Years later and he returns, he plunges his clawed hand into her chest and she does not fight back, no- she does not let him have the freedom of death instead she takes it and looks at his face knowingly, contentedly as she fades farther into the ocean's embrace.

As the sound of hasty footsteps moves ever closer to their position (Y/N) finally speaks. She tells her old love that he will fail and he says nothing, the truth needs no explanation. A new voice calls (Y/N)'s name and she glances over at the faint, pure light that is moving closer.

And in her final moments the girl seems to still, her face taking on a serene expression as she focuses in on the mellow light approaching the pair, her mercy diminishes as she flashes the enemy one last smile, ensuring him no peace even in the afterlife.

And then, her eyes close as she fades away like the fleeting love she was.

Tainted Love (Okegom x Reader Oneshots)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora