Fresh Meat. [Idate/Human Reader]

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A wonderful request from Kyubey007

"Be careful." (Y/N) suppressed a sigh as her roommate (or caretaker rather) warned her once more as the human girl slipped on her boots.

"Rocma, it'll be fine~" The human was young, at least to the long living polar bear housing her, so (Y/N) was often viewed to be as fragile and naive as Mafuyu. "I'm just going to grab some firewood from Rock's house and then I'll be back in a jiffy!" The girl stood and turned to meet her elder friend's rather disapproving stare.

"Just let that dumb wolf take care of it." She muttered in a low tone that (Y/N) was barely able to hear.

"C'mon, have some faith in me!" (Y/N) prodded, eagerness laced in her voice as she moved to grasp her arctic friend's large paws in her own dainty hands.

Obvious reluctance remained on Rocma's face but nonetheless she gave in to her friend's determined request. "Just come home quickly before I go looking for you." She said a tad bitterly as (Y/N) giddily released her hands and rushed for the door, shooting the bear a final smile and wave before taking off out the door.

Rocma watched the door close and moved to the window to see the girl taking off down the snowy slope. "....Something doesn't smell right." She grumbled finally as (Y/N)'s figure disappeared from her line of sight.


Despite the fierce cold trying to force its way through the warmth of her cloak that she was gripping tightly to her body (Y/N) couldn't have been happier, a wide smile was plastered across her face as she treaded leisurely through the thick blankets of snow towards her grumpy neighbor's house.

The smell of salt broke the ditzy girl from her happy trance and left her standing still for a moment as she cocked her head at the sight of a strange cluster of craggy rocks she had little recollection of passing before. Just as she was about to move forward a scent even stronger than the salty sea breeze halted her and the sight of smoky wisps flying upwards in the distance immediately caught her eye.

'Rock must be out fishing today!' The girl concluded and without any precaution she raced forwards into the secluded bluff.

(Y/N) felt a pang of confusion in her chest when she found only the empty ocean greeting her from beyond the snowy eminence. She sighed quietly at her foolishness and turned to leave...only to walk right into someone's chest.

"Oh, Ro-" Her voice promptly died in her throat when she looked up and realized that the smoky smelling fabrics did not belong to her friend but rather to a tall, dark haired man who was smirking down at her with pointed teeth.

"Well, well! We meet again, missy!" The man chuckled, humored by the girl's stunned, almost lost expression.

(Y/N) could only stare up at the man, though she did not remember ever crossing paths with the humanoid orca something about him struck her with fear and anxiety, her eyes were locked onto the exit behind him but she dared not make a move, his very being seemed to exude strength.

"What's that look for, hm?" He mused, mirroring the girl's steps backwards with another one forwards until her feet rested at the edge of the water, "Could it be you've forgotten me?"

(Y/N) inhaled a shaky breath, glancing wearily from the predatory man to the water and as the waves crashed harshly against the edge of the cracked ice an overwhelming amount of dread filled the pit of her stomach as she recalled just where she was. It was the spot she had washed ashore on when her ship crashed no more than a year ago, the same malevolent man had beat her down and attempted to drag her back under the tide before Rocma came to her aid.

Immediately she began to writhe away from the man, eyes widening in fright as her memories flooded back. "N-No! Get away from me!" (Y/N) cried as a strong hand grabbed her wrist with bruising force.

"Aw, c'mon~ Don't be like that!" (Y/N) tensed as he leaned forwards allowing her to see just how menacing his features truly were close up.

"S-Stay away." (Y/N) repeated in a voice barely above a squeak, her body shrinking back under the orca's imposing form though it did nothing to quell the distance between the two.

Her fear was like pure music to the orca and his dark eyes glimmered in delight as he tightened his hold until the bones in the girl's wrist were practically cracking under the pressure. Small yelps of pain rose from the girl's lips with every grip and tug causing the man to raise a brow in slight curiosity as he finally snapped the tendon and listened intently as small protests of fear evolved into a fully fledged shriek of pain- yes, this was truly one of his favorite things.

"Does it hurt that much? My, you humans sure are fragile!" He chirped before releasing the human's wrist in satisfaction, admiring the severely discoloration he'd left behind.

(Y/N) took her moment of freedom to try and rush past the terror before her, cradling her now broken wrist in her good hand as she bolted forwards and was promptly jerked back by her hair, plummeting back onto the snow with a painful thud, a foot crashing onto her stomach with tremendous force preventing the girl from getting up.

"It's rude to walk away in the middle of a conversation." The dark haired sea dweller chided mockingly as the girl struggled beneath his weight; staring down at the girl dully the man pulled out a cigarette and lit it before turning back down to face the human who was feebly attempting to remove his foot from her sternum.

"Y'know...." He began, a delirious smile growing across his face as he moved to pick the girl up by her collar, "It just so happens I like my meat.....well done." He licked his lips, his eyes shamelessly moving across her lithe frame.

He leaned in close once more and with a sinister laugh he spoke beside the girl's ear. "My name is Idate, Feel free to scream it as much as you'd like, doll."
It's the anti-climactic ending we've all been waiting for~ Thanks again for the request and I'll see you later! Happy reading!

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