Chapter Sixteen

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"Hey Dad!" I said into the phone. I was making my self a sandwich.

"Melissa." A voice on the other end of the line said, it wasn't my dad.

"Who is this?" I asked stopping everything that I was doing.

"Melissa, it's Marcus." Hie replied.

"Marcus, what is going on?" I asked, I was scared.

"It's your dad, he's in the hospital. The doctor said that it would be best if you came to the hospital."

"I'm going to leave now." I said ending the call without saying another word, I threw my sandwich into the garbage and the plate into the sink, I pulled my keys from the hook and ran out my door, almost forgetting to lock my door.

I was now in my car, fumbling with my keys, my hands were shaking so bad. As a plan be I turned on my phone and placed a call.

"Hello?" David said on the other end.

"David, please, I need you to come pick me up." I cried.

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

"I need to go home, not where I love but my hometown, it's my dad!" I said between gasps.

"Okay, I'm on my way." I hung up and laid my head back on the seat.

Some may say that I'm over reacting. Truth be told I'm not. My dad, is dying, he has cancer. Kayla died not long ago. This is all bullshit. Everyone close to me is dying. I can't handle this.

I sat in silence for a few minutes until it was interrupted by a knock on my window. It was David. I pushed open the door and got up, falling into his embrace.

"Hey, shh, he may pull through." He said running his fingers through my hair.

"The doctors said that I should be there, I don't think that they think he is going to pull through." I cried.

"It'll be okay. Let's get going." He said and we made our way to his car.

I sat in the passenger seat staring out the window.

"I hate being this clingy." I said looking over to him.

"You're not being clingy." He replied.

"You don't need to lie for my behalf, I know I'm being clingy, I just want a normal relationship."

"Be as clingy as you want, it's kind of nice knowing that I am needed. And anyway, you've been through a lot of shit, be as clingy as you want." He smiled.


I stood moved to stand beside Marcus. "He's awake, but not for very long." The doctor said. I nodded and made my way into the hospital room.

"Hi daddy." I said pulling a chair up beside his bed.

"Hey princess." He replied. I could see through the expression on his face that he was in pain.

"You know I love you right?" I asked, tears falling down my face.

"I've known that forever. You know that I love you too, right?" He asked.

"I know Dad." The pain in his face was hurting me more than the thought of him passing away because that means the pain will stop. "Dad, it's okay to let go, you can let go now, this is hurting you too much." I said, my tears falling onto his hospital bed. Using the last of his strength he picked his hand up and wiped them from my face.

"I don't want to leave you." He said, he was now crying.

"I love you Dad." I laid my head down beside him and stayed like that for almost and hour.

Then the dreaded happened. The monitor started screaming, nurses were yelling code blue and began pulling me out of the room.

They tried their hardest to to bring him back.

"Time of death five twenty three." The doctor said.

I slid down the wall. Tears falling freely.

'Why is all this shit happening to me?' I asked myself. Marcus and David were still in the waiting room but I didn't have the strength or the will to get up.


A/N: This story is being rushed now because I'm trying to finish it. I've been working on it for a long time. Thanks for staying with me in the adventure. Love you all xx

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