Chapter One

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<< check out Everything Is Alright, it's my new Michael Clifford fanfic >>

"Dad, I don't know if I am able to make it." I said through the phone for about the hundredth time.

"Melissa, please. We haven't seen Marcus in years, all of his family is going and all of our family is. Please try to make it. It would make Marcus feel so much better." He said through the phone. I could almost hear the pain in his voice. Marcus is my dads best friend and he just found out he has stage four cancer.

"Okay dad, I'll skip a few classes. So I can get out early tomorrow." I said. This means so much to my dad, mum died only a year ago and he doesn't want to be alone.

"Thank you sweetheart." He said, even through the phone I could just see him smiling.

"You're welcome dad, I love you." I said then I hung up the phone. I sat in the silence for a moment then it heard a small knock on the door. I pulled it open to see Kayla.

"Ready for the doctor who marathon?" She asked holding up a case of pop and a bag of popcorn.

"Yes!" I laughed grabbing them from her.

"This is like our second time watching them this year." She laughed flopping onto the couch.

"Yup." I said popping the 'p'.


"I'm going to bed, let's finish this tomorrow." Kayla said standing up.

"Actually I am heading home tomorrow. My dad's friend just found out he has cancer and invited his family over to break the news and my family is going for moral support." I said.

"Oh, okay, I hope he gets better." She said yawning. "Good night Mel." She said closing then door behind her. As soon a my head hit the pillow I was asleep, this dream was very odd.

Beginning of dream.

I was walking down a cold dark street, must be London Blitz. Bodies along the side of the street. I looked down, I was dressed in a uniform. I was fighting the Germans. I went to pull one of the doors along the side of the road open and that is when I realized my hands were covered in blood. Not only my hand, but also my stomach. I was shot, torn open. Then I fell to the ground. I was dead.

End of dream.

I gasped at shot up. It was bright in my room, I looked at my alarm clock and it was eleven-thirty. Shit, shit, shit. I though pushing myself of the bed. I was supposed to leave half an hour ago. I pulled my suit case into my bed and stuffed it full of clothing. Since I am going straight to Marcus's house I decided to get dressed in my nice cloths since it is only an hour drive. I pulled on a white dress that went down to just above my knees, it was longer in the back though. Next I pulled on a pair of boot that were a light brown and a leather jacket that matched. I tied my hair in a messy bun and put my phone in my pocket.

I closed the door behind me and locked it. Well here goes the car ride home." I thought pulling my suitcase along the floor.


The road was nearly empty as I came close to my home town. I turned down the dirt road and headed toward Marcus's homestead.

As I pulled up to the garage my dad was outside. He looked pale and in pain. I left my bag in my car and ran over to him.

"Dad? Are you okay?" I asked placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Well actually no," he said. "I have not been completely honest with you, it is not Marcus who has the cancer." He added. "It is me."


Thank you for reading the first chapter of my book. Please vote and comment and in the words of my favorite youtuber (sxephil) "I love yo faces and I'll see you tomorrow"


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