Break away - chapter 13

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*Lola's P.O.V*

As soon as we get in the car Niall and I burst into hysterics as we can't hold in our laughter anymore. It was the dead serious look on Harry's face as he told James that his daughter has been fucking him that made it even funnier.

"He's never going to let you step foot in that house again!" Niall tells Harry in between laughs.

"Oh well, we're not going back there anyway." Ella shrugs and Harry kisses the top of her head after wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Well, at least she made the right decision. Harry makes her happy and she needs happiness in her life. Sometimes you just have to let go of the things that make you unhappy - no matter how hard.

We all bundle into Ella's car and drive back home. When we get back to the apartment all of the boys are still playing FIFA except Ashton who has got I Miss You by Blink 182 blaring on my speaker as he sings on the top of his lungs. Mia and Mae ask us why we're back so early so Ella and Harry tell everyone the story.

"Lola you look so pretty tonight." Whispers Niall in my ear. I can't help but smile and blush. He spins me around, so I'm facing him, and caresses my cheek before pressing his soft lips onto mine. The smile on my face grows, even though I'm kissing him, because I'm just so happy with him. He is my world.

"Your smile is so cute." He tells me as he breaks away from our kiss, but keeps our noses touching. I grin uncontrollably before quickly kissing him again. After, I walk back over to the group and wrap my arms around Mia's neck.

"What's that for?" She asks after hugging me back.

"Just because," I shrug. The last few days I've barely seen her and baring in mind I live with her it's mad.

"See Lola this is why you're just have so much love to give. I love you so damn much." Niall says. He said I love you. I have never said I love you to a guy. Well technically I have but never to a guy that I'm dating. I go to say it back but the words get stuck in the back of my throat leaving the room in a deafening silence. Everyone's eyes remain glued to me and Niall. Shit. What am I meant to do? I mean I love him but I don't know if I'm in love with him yet. To be honest I don't know what it feels like to be in love.

"Perhaps we should go?" Harry says awkwardly. Everyone goes leaving me and Niall on our own.I go to apologies and tell him that I do love him but once again nothing comes out

"I-I'm sorry. I just thought you felt the same." He says before walking out of the door and slamming it behind him. I stare at the door as if it will make it better. I look longingly, hoping that someone will wake me up and tell me that it's just a dream but nothing happens. The room remains the same empty, solemn room; he remains the same heart broken boy who's way out of my league and I remain the same empty girl who couldn't even say 3 simple words.

My phone buzzes and I rush over to it.

Ells : Lolli what's going on? Are you okay?

Me : Don't worry

Ells : okay, I'm staying around Harry's so I'll be back tomorrow.

Me : don't forget to be safe! Use protection! When's the girls coming home?

Ells : you're disgusting but we will! Hehe. Well, Mia is going to Zayn's and idk about Mae bc her and Ash have been flirting since we left.

Me : okay, see you tomorrow.

I put my phone back down and walk over to the sofa. The jumper that Niall had left hangs on the back. It still smells like him. Fuck, I've really messed this up. I don't know what to do. I know I should give him space but I really want to call him or find him...just anything to tell him that I'm sorry and I love him too. I turn on the TV to drown out my thoughts and I end up watching Dear John. It's near the end so I have no idea what's going on. I grab the blanket, that Ella keeps on the back of the sofa 'because it looks nice', and wrap it around my body.

Break away - Niall Horan Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now