Break away - Chapter 9

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*Lola's P.O.V*

After Harry and Ella left to go on their date last night one by one everyone started to return home leaving me, Mia, Niall and Mae. The majority of the night Mae stayed in her room because she was really tired and wasn't feeling very well and Mia was going back and forth from the apartment to her house in order to move in. So the whole night me and Niall stayed on the sofa watching films. I had my back pressed against his strong chest as we watched Disney movies together (as they were the only ones we could find). Thankfully by this point the pain was fading as the medicine kicked in.

However, the pain yesterday doesn't even compare to today. The pain has grown deeper and made my muscles KILL whenever I move been the smallest amount. But the others cannot find out. No matter how painful this gets the thought of having to go to that hospital will always be a more terrifying thought. I'll be able to hide this. I mean I can fake a smile. I can't act like I haven't before but with the pain being the way it is it will be a struggle.

"Morning bubba." Niall says as he kisses the top of my head. Last night we stayed on the sofa because it was just easier than trying to get to bed. Being wrapped in Niall's warmth made trying to stay awake a struggle so I just allowed my self to go to sleep.

"Good morning." I smile as he staggers into the kitchen. As he comes over to me he hands me two tablets and a glass of water - just what I need. I will forever love the fact that he puts me first. I mean he could have made himself a drink or started to get dressed or anything but no. Instead he wakes up and the first thing he thinks about is me.

"What are you smiling about?" He rasps as he shoots me a sleepy smile. I didn't even realise I was smiling. Oops. I can't think of an excuse either meaning the longer I sit in silence the brighter the shade of red I go. Thankfully the silence is broken as Harry and Ella stumble through the front door giggling. How did I not even notice that they didn't come home last night?

"Did you have a good night then?" I ask them even though I already know the answer. It's written all over their faces. Ella blushes before nodding her head and then walking into the kitchen. I watch Harry follow her and as he kisses her on the cheek she giggles lightly. They're so cute together.

"You will never guess who we saw though last night." Harry starts. I look at him intrigued but Ella shoots him a look which makes me want to know even more. I can tell Harry is starting to regret saying anything because he has gone silent and keeps looking and Ella in hope she'll help him but she doesn't. Instead she just rolls her eyes and tells him to tell us now because he's already started.

"Spit it out Harry." Niall tells him in his thick accent. I love his voice in the mornings. I could happily listen to it all the time. It's deeper than normal and his accent is thicker.

"He was with that Sophie girl." Says Harry and everyone looks over to me for a reaction. I shrug it off. I don't actually care to be honest. He was only doing it to get back at me for some reason so it doesn't actually mean anything. To be fair I can see where he's coming from. Luke was there for me and stood up for me to one of his closest friends and then I go and forgive him in a heart beat. It wasn't fair on Luke but I'm staying with Niall I just need to sort things out with Luke now.

"Wake up Mae and Mia!" I tell Ella as I slowly try to get off of the sofa. She looks at me apprehensively before slowly walking over to their rooms and knocking politely. Niall jumps up and gently lifts me off of the sofa and then stands me up. The pain is awful but I'm not letting it stop me. Today is going to be the day I sort everything out. I'm going to put the past behind me and start fresh. Starting with sorting things with Luke.

Break away - Niall Horan Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now