Break Away - chapter 10

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*Niall's P.O.V*

I can't say anything. I mean I want to. There's a million questions I want to ask but nothing comes out. Her eyes water as she pulls down her jumper but I remain staring down at her torso. Is this why she was in such agony? Is this what she has been hiding? I would love to think that this was an accident and that she had done it by falling over or something but she hasn't. You can tell. This was done by someone else and they had done it intentionally. There is no way you can accidentally cause such damage. But why would someone do this to her?

She tries to sit up but she starts to cry whenever she has to bend her stomach muscles. Michael rushes over to her and lifts her up off of the floor, trying his hardest not to move her belly too much.

"W-who done that to you?" I finally get out and although I try to sound calm my voice is a mixture between worried and shocked. But, she refuses to make eye contact with me. She keeps looking down at the floor as tears stream down her pale cheeks. Michael catches her as she falls backwards; she's concussed. I jump up as soon as her eyes roll back and then shut.

"Lay her down, lay her down!" Liam tells Michael urgently and he gently lays her on the floor. I get on my knees and crouch down beside her. I feel her head where she hit it and it's sticky. I know what it's going to be but still a part of my heart hopes it's not what I think it is. I move my hand and it's covered in her blood. Shit. Mia runs over to the counter and asks for a damp tissue or just anything to clean up the blood. She rushes back to us and hands it to me, her hands shaking.

"I-is she going to be okay?" Ella asks with her voice trembling. I don't one does. It's not because I don't want to answer, because believe me I'd love to be able to say it's going to be okay, but I just don't know.

"Lola, Lola sweetie open your eyes. Open your eyes if you can hear me." Louis tells her as her eyes lightly flicker open but they shut again. A moan slips her mouth as she begins to move.

"Lola, baby, stay still." I tell her as she begins to become conscious again. She doesn't listen though. Quickly she starts panicking and starts to weep in pain. Her cries quickly turn to sobs whilst she holds the back of her head. I can't stand seeing her like this. I feel physically sick. I don't think I can deal with it. I need air. I stumble back up to my feet and run my hands through my flat hair.

*Lola's P.O.V*

It hurts. It hurts so much. The fact that my head is pouring with blood makes me panic even more. What if I have to go to hospital? Oh my God they all saw didn't they? They're going to ask more questions. I don't want them to. I open my eyes but my vision is blurred by my tears.

"Niall." I mumble but I can't see him anywhere. I can hear Ella asking where he is and she sounds angry. I just want this to be over already. I can hear the door to the cafe open and close again and once I blink away the tears Liam has gone too.

"Should I call an ambulance?" The cafe owner asks.

"No! No! Please no." My voice cracks in desperation. Hesitantly he puts the phone back down. Thank goodness. My head is pounding and the room is spinning. People's panicked voices fill the room as my breathing becomes shallow and rapid. Not now. No. This has to be the worse time for this to happen.

"She's having a panic attack." Ashton shouts. He tells everyone to come away from me and kneels down beside me instead. He takes my hand off of my bleeding head and holds it in his.

"Lola don't panic. It's okay. You're going to be okay. You just need to calm down and then we can take a look at your head, yeah? But once this is over would you be able to tell me who done this to you babe? Don't worry we won't let anything happen to you. I promise." He says calmly. My breathing slows down again but my heart continues to race as the warning Sophie gave me starts to replay constantly in my mind. I feel sick. I can't keep up with all this drama. I'm sick of it.

Break away - Niall Horan Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now