Break Away - Chapter 7

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*Lola's P.O.V*

"Luke, Lola has some news to tell you!" Ella announces as we walk into form. We were meant to meet him at his hotel but by the time Niall and I got back to the apartment and told everyone what had happened we were only had 5 minutes to get to school and Mia wasn't even ready yet.

"What is your reason for being late?" Our form tutor asks in a monotone. He is used to people in our form being late anyway so to be honest I think he's tired of asking constantly. We apologies and tell him that we've just moved house so we couldn't find any of our things. He doesn't say anything but instead loudly exhales as he tells us to sit down. Ella and Mia practically run over to their seats behind Luke.

"So what's this news then?" Luke questions as I sit down next to him.

"So...once you had left with Ash I was really stressed out and ended up walking out of the apartment because I wanted to be by myself. But, Niall followed me and I wasn't looking where I was going because I was just so focused on getting away from him that I didn't realize I had walked into the road." I start to tell him but Ella interrupts me by telling me to 'get on with it'.

"Basically, her and Niall now go out." Mia blurts out and I can feel myself blush. Luke says nothing but looks at me shocked. After, a couple of seconds he smiles at me but doesn't look happy at all. I don't get it. I thought he would have wanted me and Niall to get together.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"Nothing." He replies bluntly as he turns his chair around so he's no longer got his back against the wall and he's facing the front of the class room instead of me. I glance over to Mia and Ella and they both look as confused as I am. Ella just shrugs her shoulders and mouths for me to say something to him.

"Luke are you sure you're alright?" I ask him but the bell rings and he just gets up, completely ignoring the question, and starts walking to lessons. Today we are meant to have English first but me, Ella, Luke and a few other people got a letter asking to meet in music as soon as form is finished.

"Lola wait for me!" Ella calls from behind me as I try to catch up with Luke. When I get out of the class room I wait by the door and wait as everyone comes out. Ella is always one of the last out of form but always the first out of boring lessons like French. It's because she hates our french teacher and loves our form tutor, literally. He's a sport teacher and he's ridiculously hot.

"Hurry up we need to catch up with Luke." I tell her as I drag her out of the class room. We make our way down to music trying to find Luke the whole way there but he must have walked really fast because we couldn't find him anywhere. By the time we get there our teacher is waiting for us and he looks excited.

"Okay, so now that everybody is here," he says raising his eyebrows at me and Ella because we were late. "I can finally tell you the good news. So the school have decided the you guys are the best musicians in the year and want you to perform at Scene On The Green." He tells us, bursting with enthusiasm. Scene On The Green is an event our school holds at the end of every year and it's like a concert that only the elite dancers and musicians take place in and the public can come to watch. I love Scene On The Green though. The atmosphere is amazing and the firework display at the end is great.

"Are you serious?" Ella asks excitedly. He nods his head and then tells us that it is up to us who we perform with and what we do. Me and Ella look at each other at the exact same time and nod, signalling to work together, and then she mouths for me to ask Luke.

"Do you want to work with us?" I ask Luke.

"Obviously." He laughs as he comes over to us.

"Sorry I'm late." A voice says. I turn around and look over to Mae as she walks into the room. I didn't realize she was joining our school. Why didn't she get a lift with us? Sir repeats what he just told the group and she looks back at him blankly. She doesn't know what Scene On The Green is. I giggle before telling her to come over to us.

"All of us work together, yeah?" Ella confirms and we all nod at the same time. At least I'm not stuck with people I don't like. But, I know Ella is going to ask me to sing.

"What do you do Mae?" Luke asks her politely and she tells us about how she's been playing piano since she was 7 and her whole family used to sing all the time at home. Mae can play 5 fucking instruments! I was proud knowing that I could play the guitar and some bits on the drums but 5 instruments is so much!

"Hey," a voice says behind us. It's Sophie; one of the 'popular' girls but she's just an outright bitch. She has bullied me since we were 8 years old and now she thinks that she can come over to us because Luke's here. Typical.

"Hello." Luke smiles but he looks kind of awkward. Completely ignoring the fact that me, Ella and Mae are here Sophie starts to flirt with Luke to the point where it's awkward just being with them. I hate her. You can tell she thinks that she's pretty and within the same league as Luke when she's really not. I'm not going to say she isn't pretty, becasue in all honesty she is, but she's the nastiest, two faced, bitch there is.

"Anyway Luke...I was thinking me and you...should go out sometime?" She asks. Is she serious? Me and Ella start waving our arms behind her and shaking our heads to try and get his attention so he'll tell her to fuck off. But, instead Luke looks over at us and then tells her that he'll pick her up at seven. Sophie walks off to her friends and as she does she 'accidentally' barges into me and says sorry with the fakest smile across her face.

"Luke what the fuck?" Ella asks as Sophie leaves. He doesn't say anything but shrugs his shoulders as if he doesn't care. I know he's trying to piss me off but I don't know why. I mean I've done nothing wrong to him and he was fine earlier - I don't get it. Instead of arguing with him about it I just roll my eyes and sigh loudly.

"What?" He asks me but his voice sounds lower and more annoyed than normal.

"You. You're annoyed at me for some reason so you're trying to get a reaction out of me by going out with her. If you're going to throw a tantrum at least be original whilst you do it." I shrug before walking out of the music department. To be honest I know I'm making a big deal over nothing but I don't really care. I've done nothing wrong to upset him so he shouldn't be acting like a dick. Hearing footsteps follow me outside of the music department I turn around.

"Look Luke-" I start before realising it's not Luke. It's Sophie. She has a crooked smirk painted across her face. All expression drops from my face as I realise that her two friends are already behind me.

Before I know it each of my arms are being held outwards, almost as if I'm in a crucifix position, and Sophie is rolling up her sleeves. My heart starts to thud and I know I'm about to have an anxiety attack; great timing yet again.

"So Lola what was you saying to Luke about me?" Sophie spits out. I look down at the cream slatted floor and ignore the question. Her fist comes colliding into my stomach and I let out a loud grunt in pain. Instantly my eyes become watery and the slats I was looking at just become blurred blobs of colour. Sophie demands that I answer her question and under my shallow breaths I mumble the word 'nothing'.

"Sorry I didn't quite hear that." She tells me and as her fist once again comes flying into me but this time hitting my ribs. My body goes limp for a second before I use all of my energy to try to get out of the grasp of the two girls who are holding me on each side. There's no use trying. She's won. I can't get away and she isn't going to believe the fact that I didn't say anything even though I actually didn't say anything about her.

"I didn't say anything!" I half shout but my voice sounds strained because I'm in agony. But, Sophie doesn't believe a word of it and, yet again, throws another punch leaving a deep pain in my torso. I begin to cry, this time not holding back, whilst Sophie just exhales loudly and roles her eyes.

"Come on girls lets just leave her." She says and instantly I'm let go of and my limp body falls to the cold, hard ground

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