Break Away - Chapter 6

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*Lola's P.O.V*

It's as if time has just completely stopped. This seems like the longest few seconds of my life. I don't know how to react to this, even if I did kind of expected it. The music is turned off and the whole room goes silent. It's so quiet they might actually be able to hear my heart break.

"Lola," Niall starts as I walk away from the room. When I turn around everyone is looking at me with pity in their eyes. Pity is the most annoying thing. It does no good and just makes me feel even more embarrassed. Louis opens up his arms and I run into them. I'm not going to cry - I'm not. I'm just in complete shock at the minute.

"What the fuck? What the actual fuck? You accused us of flirting and then you go off and kiss her new room mate? Niall we're mates, yeah, but you cannot do this. It's simple." Luke yells. Everyone, including Niall, stays quiet. Zayn comes over to me and Louis and asks if I'm okay. I nod my head, even though we both know I'm not, but Zayn hugs me anyway meaning I'm sandwiched between him and Louis. Zayn being nice to me makes me feel worse, I have no idea why, and tears start to blur my vision. I just want to go back to the day of the fair or to any day of being with Niall, except this one, I just want to go back to before it all went wrong.

"Wait...what's going on?" A confused Mae asks. Letting go of me and walking over to her instead, Zayn explains what's going on and what has happened between me and Niall. The room still remains silent, other than Zayn telling the story. As soon as he's done Niall hangs his head, almost as if he's ashamed, and Mae runs over to give me a hug.

"I am so, so sorry. I didn't know. I mean I would never do that to anyone let alone you." She rushes. I know she means it. I can tell by the desperation in her voice. She doesn't want to be hated or have upset someone but honestly she hasn't. If she never knew then how could I be annoyed at her?

"It's fine. Look, I'm going to go to bed because it's been a long day." I tell everyone as I start to walk towards my bedroom. I hear footsteps quickly pace behind me but I ignore it. As soon as I get to my room I shut the door and burst into tears. Not the cute Tumblr pictures kind of crying either but the Why Is This Happening To Me kind of crying. The type of crying where once you've started there's no stopping.

"Lola." A voice says from behind me as the door opens. In attempt to keep in my tears I clench my jaw and try not to blink. I'm not facing the door but I know it's Ashton. He comes up behind me and turns me around.

"Don't cry!" He says sympathetically before pulling me into his chest for a hug. Knowing that he knows that I'm upset and actually cares makes it harder to fight back the tears and I give up the battle. Sobbing into his shirt, I apologies for being so stupid about the whole situation.

"You're sorry? Why? You have done nothing wrong and you're reacting perfectly normally." He tells me. After about 5 minutes of crying on poor Ash I finally calm down. I'm absolutely shattered and I have to go to school tomorrow because since meeting Luke we've barely been in so I don't think missing another day will be good for my attendance. I grab Calum's grey, oversized hoody off of the chair and throw it on with my, probably a little bit too short, Minnie Mouse pyjama shorts. I crawl into the bed and wrap myself up into the duvet so I look like a caterpillar.

"Night Lola." Ashton says as he leaves the room to go back into the living room.

"Good night, Ash." I reply as I shut my eyes. I try to get to sleep but the image of them two kissing keeps on replaying in my mind. The sick feeling in the pit of my stomach comes back. I know part of it is the alcohol but everytime I think of them two together it gets worse. I grab the pillow next to me and wrap in around my head to block out the thoughts.

Break away - Niall Horan Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now