15. Husband and Wife

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Draven had awakened with Eric in his arms, and pecked te back of his head, before shuffling to retrieve his arm from underneath him.

He then reached his phone; to his surprise, he hand three hundred and twenty four notifications.

And fifty six calls from his secretary.

Immediately, he called her back, in a bit of panic.


"Draven!" The secretary screamed, "Draven, where were you?"

"I was sleeping, what's going on?"

"Turn on the news!"

It did not seem like it was going to be something good.

When he turned on the news channel, his face was on the screen.

"Draven H. Malcom was confirmed to be homosexual and having an affair with Eric Valence, the man he recently appointed the position of co-author. Such scandal from the well-known author, Malcom, who has not yet even divorced his wife, Adelina Malcom. His affair has been publicized by an unknown source, who reported this recording to not only our news department, but many other."

They started to play the recording; it was a bit muffled, but the voices were clear and recognizable.

"Spend some time with me, you're so handsome by the way,"

"I never told you; I like you too."

"I think I could've guessed that without you telling me."

"So are you just going to make my lower back sore again, or do you have something planned?"

"I have something planned, and if we weren't in a hurry, I'd have sex with you right now."

That happened in his office. Someone had recorded the conversation from his office.

He dropped the phone from his palm, as he continued to listen to the news reportage, "Malcom has recently released the synopsis for his upcoming book, Cold Shoulder, but many fans are disappointed by the author's sudden scandal. He was seen with Adelina a few weeks ago, at a local café in which the couple evaded questions from journalists. Never had any thought that Malcom would ever be unfaithful to his wife, let alone with another man."

In panic, he switched to the next station, saw his face again, to the next station, he saw his face again: every news reportage he reached, it was about him.

Draven H. Malcom, the cheater.

He heard someone clear his throat behind him, and when he turned around, his heart felt millions of tiny pokes when Eric's eyes were swelled with tears.

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