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"I'm home!" I came in through the front door as I dropped my car keys on the table nearby and tossed my bag on the sofa.

"Hello?" I called.

"In here!" I heard a voice coming from the kitchen.

I made my way there and found my grandmother by the stove cooking. "You're home a little later than usual." She stated.

I checked the time on the clock. 5:45 pm, it read. I normally came home at around 5 pm latest, right before dinner is served. What usually kept me out a little late was either staying at school to study and do my assignments or taking Maren to her sessions with Matthew. 

"I had to drive Maren to her mentoring session after school today," I sat down at one of the stool by the kitchen island. "You know how she hates public transport."

"I will never understand why that girl won't take driving lessons and have her own license especially when it's required for the field, she wants to work in." she heaved a sigh, shaking her head.

"Is dad home?" I inquired.

"Not yet but he will soon after his meeting is over." She informed me. "Let's hope he makes it in time for dinner because we're having guests."

My eyebrows quirked up staggered by the news. "What's the occasion?" 

"Brooke and Jake are coming over."

"What for? It's not like them to come over for dinner during the week, especially on a Monday after a hectic day."

"They're free to come over whenever they want, Beverley. Besides I'm actually looking forward to them visiting. It's been a while since we've seen them and little Joey." She said with an eager smile.

I just shrugged lackadaisically and said nothing.

"How was school?" she asked. 

I shrugged again. "Same as always. Lectures, studying. University life ain't as fun and interesting as they make it seem in the movies and books I've read - at least for me."

"Just like you thought high school was going to be as fun and interesting as it was in High School Musical." She teased.

"I was thirteen! I didn't know any better." I rolled my eyes as she laughed.

"Oh, how I wish I was young again," she said, nostalgia radiating in her tone. "things were so interesting and adventurous back then."

"Gran, you don't even look your age."

If there was one thing unique about my grandmother, it would be her incapability to age. For a woman who was in her seventies, she looked as though she was still in her fifties. 

She still had her small but slim figure, her lovely caramel melanin skin that had little wrinkles. Her long dark hair with little to a few streaks of grey hair at the front. Her dark eyes were still as vivacious and bright as they were for as long as I could remember. 

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