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The sun is descending, creating a blood splashing color in the sky. The absurdity of this world truly makes one lose their minds. Of all the people who holds the greater power, she wonders how many of them are truly happy? Perhaps none, or maybe they have their happiness just for a fleeting moment like hers. Happiness came and goes.

This day, she'll never forget. Entering the bloody house while the soldiers are still getting raid of the corpses, only her room looks clean, how ironic.

She sat on the cushioned seat in front of the drawer room, staring at her reflection in the circular mirror. Time flies so fast. Wasn't it just yesterday when she was still in the Takahiro village, looking at her reflection in the mirror like this while her mother combed her hair, telling her how to be a virtuous good loving wife to Lord Ryuu.

That girl of yesterday and today are too different from each other. The girl yesterday has an innocent smile and carefree spirit without a care in the secular world. The girl today is a woman now that has a graceful smile and noble air, greediness and vicious scheming is hidden in every word and every smile.

A mocking laugher escaped from her lips, mocking herself. What had she done? Everything had gone wrong. What to do now? She can still smell the lingering blood in the air. Murderer, how many lives were taken because of her?

She sat their for a long time, her mood sinking to the very bottom. The sliding sound of the door being opened interrupts her dark thoughts. Looking back in that direction, Natsume saw her husband standing their with a stoic expression and frosty air, wearing his black armor.

His discerning eyes oozing of coldness swept past her to look around in the room. After seeing that there's nothing wrong, he walked inside the room and closed the door behind him.


Her pleasant sweet calling makes his throat dry. Natsume came up to him, helping him remove his armors. He just let her into it, not knowing how to read her mood. Is she angry? or Sad? Even her moods are troubling him.

As the night deepen, he lied on the bed while she's still drying her silky long black hair after taking a bath, drops of crystal liquid falls out from her hair, some of it slides down to her chest and disappearing inside the loose lapels of her kimono. His eyes are glued to her, unable to look away from her dark seduction. Raiden knows she's deliberately doing this. For what? For a favor, of course. Whatever it is must come to her benefits and for whatever reasons, he's willing to go along with her wishes.

He knows he had spoiled her too much, he can't stop. Spoiling her had already became his habit. Handing whatever the world could offer to her. Even using his blood and sweat to conquer things for her. However, there's an exception. If the things she wants will only harm her, he will naturally refuse to give it to her.

Natsume looked back at him, smiling innocently as if she didn't sense the meaning of his stares. The candles at the side illuminate her slender figure. His body is heating up already. Still, he holds back his desire, he wanted to see what kind of tricks she's playing at until the very end.

Her hair has not been fully dried when she stood up and slowly walked to him like a moon goddess.

A ghost of smile can be seen on his face as he stared at her, obviously liking the view she's giving him. When she's already close to the bed, she crawled on top of him, smiling like a devil and leaned in to kiss him slowly, torturing him. Unable to hold himself back, he returned the kiss in domineering force, plundering her mouth that took her breath away. In an instant, she is already the one under him.

"Husband... "

Softly calling him that when he finally stopped fiercely kissing her, only lingering on her lips and softly nipping her lower lip.

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