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This is my first fan fiction ever! Yes, EVER! So please go easy on me. I love reading fan fiction, but I usually read like TV show related fan fiction. This is the first time I'll be dipping my toes into 'real people' fan fiction. I just had this in my head and couldn't get it out. It was literally replaying in my head, with more and more detail as time went on, for so long. So I wrote it down. And now I'm sharing it. And I'm so nervous lol.

I'll be playing with the timeline a bit here, but I'm going to try to keep it as true as possible. I might get some things wrong or some things are slightly out of order. I'm going a lot by memory, but I look it up too.

And some lyrics might change here and there or certain songs by other artists might become Katie's songs. It's a story people!  

I also want to say, I've been a huuuuugeeee fan of Eminem since I was 6 years old. I had two older brothers who listened to all sorts of music but especially rap all the time, including of course Eminem. I remember watching his videos on the tv at my old house. My brothers would let me listen and rap along. I definitely didn't get any of it at such a young age, but the catchy stuff I loved. I watched 8 Mile when I was 9. When I was 11, I asked for a D12 poster and CD for Christmas that year. My mom said hell no, but my brother bought it for me anyways. He thought it was hilarious, but also cool. I was in love with Eminem, but I was also blown away by his talent. And I related to it. Especially with having a crazy Mom. I could rap along with almost all his songs at such a young age (still can). Anyways, I grew up with Eminem, through each of his records. I always have been and always will be an Eminem fan. 

Ok, so I hope you enjoy!

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