False Hopes

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It was that simple, two-syllable word that brought about the end of him, after so much catastrophe and pain; his eyes were gone. Ryden had the faint impression that losing your eyesight should hurt, but all he felt was fear and apprehension. His powers, though, were overwhelming. They pulsed under his skin like another type of blood, isotonic and yet ready to burst, to make him implode like a sacrifice. He knew what he had to do, and he knew what was going to happen once all of this was done.

Ryden opened his eyes, a brilliant galaxy of countless stars and boundless darkness filling his view. A godly presence soon surrounded him, the purity and power soon encompassing him. It was like wadding into the ocean, slowly sinking into the deepest parts of it. A voice, melodic but not quite as kind, filled his ears; causing tears to rise in his eyes, burning them uncomfortably. "Alright," he whispered in something like resignation, holding his hand out and arching his back. "Don't take my sight; I can't afford to lose it. Take—take my voice instead."

He wasn't sure if the godly, otherworldly presence visiting him would accept his request, but a sudden movement of the stars, like they were a river, and the galaxy filling his throat like fire answered his question. "Thank you," he mouthed to the emptiness.

The silence was endless.

Sunlight filtered through the thin skin of Ryden's eyelids, his eyeballs shifting as the rays disturbed his slumber. His eyes opened gently, taking in the view of the sun shining through the overbrush of lively trees, bathing the forest in its golden glory. A noise to his right caused his head to shift, eyes meeting those of a mother doe and her growing fawns. One of the precious fawns approached him without caution, their nose touching his and their tongue sliding across his cheek.

The touch was so gentle - so innocent - that he couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face as he raised his hand and brushed the fawn's fur, a look of peace and relaxation apparent on his face. The fur was soft and warm to the touch, delicate and fluffy with youth and care. Such a small, light source of life in a big, dark world.

The small herd all raised their heads without warning, a sound that could not be heard by any human ears alerting them. The herd immediately ran further into the woods, as he moved his hand away and sat up urgently.

He turned his head left and right, looking around and cocking his head as he tried to get a feel of the surrounding area in a mental landscape. He rose to his feet shakily, breathing soundlessly, and watched the birds above cry and fly away from something. There was a beat of silence; his heart beat once, twice. His eyes were still trained on the sky, serene with expectations.

The snap of a twig caused his head to turn to look behind him, finding a few Sentinel Service agents standing there, guns at the ready; they approached him cautiously, as if he were a wild animal. When the leading agent realized that he was naked, she flicked her wrist in a sign and they all lowered their guns. The leading agent, a nondescript woman, took off her jacket. She draped it over Ryden's lean body and smiled comfortingly. "Let's bring him back to Head Quarters and then continue our search."

Ryden reached out and gently touched her arm, causing her to look down at him, "What's up sweetie?" She asked. Warmth filled him as he wrapped his arms around her, her body shaking with soft laugher, her arms sliding around him; he stared into her, his eyes turning silver. Sorry, he whispered into her mind, apologetically. Her eyes snapped down to look at him immediately, body going stiff. "What are you doing?"

Her squadron looked at them, raising their guns and training them at Ryden. "Release her at once." The voice was calm, but demanding. It promised violence. It made him bitter.

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