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The warmth of his hand in Andy's hand was astonishing; the intimacy, the feeling, the energy passing between them, the fact that he hasn't heard any voices, and the fact that Andy hasn't let go of his hand.

People pushed along side them, all trying to escape; they all began shoving around the door, pushing him against Andy, allowing him to feel Andy against him. He felt Andy tense up as he realized that he was aroused by this situation. "Sorry." He whispered passively against Andy's neck.

His breath hitched as crowd kept pushing, causing him to get closer and closer to Andy. His hands clenched into fists - his heart racing, breathing come faster - as he tried to cease his trembling. He raised his hand, the free on, purely on instinct, feeling the movement and energy of the people around them. "Move." His voice seemed to echo around them energy cascading from him, a whirlwind of sound, and then silence. The silence as the people around them obeyed, silence as the girl and Andy stare at him and shock. And then they were moving again, through the empty space, through the people, then out there door. Into the cool, crisp night, they were running towards her car but he stares at the sky and the stars.

"Come on." Andy whispers tugging him along and into the backseat with him, he smile as he squeeze Andy's hand a little tighter.

As they pull into their garage Andy grab's their hands and squeezes it once before letting go and getting out of the car, the girl notice this and turns to look back at him and frowns. "Not much of a relationship guy, sorry. I'm Lauren." She seemed nice and he didn't feel any malice towards him so he nodded his head.

"Ryden." He spoke, his voice coming out as mesmerizing and chilling all at the same time. Lauren froze and stared at him, then lunged at him but wrapped her arms around him. "I'm so sorry." She whispered.

She let go and then laughed as she maneuvered herself back into her seat, and then threw open her door. Ryden stared at the door, noticing his hand trembling a little, he sighed and bit his lip only to shove the door open and hope out. Staring at the stars again, the feelings he got from them always seemed to relax him, and now he knew why.

He followed in after Lauren, and almost ran into their mom, she looked upset and freaked. "Hi." He spoke timidly attracting everyone's attention, they all seemed shaken but stared at him a little cautious, "Can I use your bathroom?"

"Y-yes of course." She said staring at him, caution radiating off of her. "Down the hall and to the left."

He walked down the hall, a little shake in his hips, hoping to attract Andy's attention. His hand slides along the wall, the feelings and emotions that have built up in the old house flowing into him, as his eyes start to glow. He slid into the bathroom, but just stared in the mirror, stared at his face; the face of the serial killers' kid, the face of a killer, and the face of a scared boy. He stared at the glowing green eye's of a boy who should've been dead a long time ago.

This feeling of malice now flooded into him and he turned his head towards the direction, he slid his hand over the mirror - feeling it shatter - as he walked out of the bathroom and down the hall towards where they were.

"Get out of our house!" The house seemed to shake at the command in his voice, Andy, he spoke within his mind. He turned the corner and stared at the Sentinel Services officers staring at him, one of them a little pale.

"Hi." He said again - raising his hand in a tiny wave - he continued staring at the officers when one's hand, twitched and in an instant his hand was on his gun and pointing at me. Lauren turned pale as she turned to throw her hands out and create a shield, the other officers turned towards him to stop, and Andy stared shocked -like he didn't know what to do. But Ryden didn't falter, he kept watching a cynical smile on his face, his hand in the figure of gun, copied the officers movements, but instead of being like the officer and pointing it across from him, he raised it so it was pressed against his head.

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