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The fence gate opened onto a crowded lawn, policemen and medical examiners swarming all around; the streets weren't any better, reporters and news vans were placed all around the house–each one with the slogan of a murderous mutants out there.

A young woman stood in the walkway of the gate, a small frown upon other heavenly features. She shifted her blond, blue streaked hair out of the hat she was wearing–all of it really was a bother. She gazed down on the rotting body, abandoned on the blood soaked grass; her eyes glanced up and stared at the neighbor, her frown seeming to grow deeper.

She returned to the main sidewalk and followed along to the neighbor's house; in a swift motion she was kicking the door down and striding in. Her eyes surveyed the scene that surrounded her, cold gaze analyzing the entire room.

"What the fuck did you do?" An elderly man shouted, coming down the stairs.

She ignored him as she approached the center of the living room and–sliding a glove over her hand–she swiped her finger along the hard wood under the chair. Crusty, as she'd expected. Ha. She knew what it was, and she knew exactly how it got there.

"Bitch, I'm talking to you."

Again, she ignored him and grabbed the chair that lay atop the spot she was examining. Their eyes made contact as she pulled the chair to the wall, as if it weighted nothing. She watched the grown man's jaw clench in fury, but brushed it off as she strode past him. Her gloved hands travelled across the wall of the stairwell as she made her way to the second floor, stopping to stare at the door, which obviously led to a room.

She pressed her hand against it, pushing it open slightly; her gaze examined the room as she noticed something on the ground. She bent down, lifting it with the gloved hand, and staring at the photo on the school ID that she had picked up.

Ryden Lang, it read.

She pulled out a small plastic bag, sliding the ID card in it, as she left the room and traveled down the stairs of the awful house. When she hit the bottom of the stairs, the elderly man was yelling at a policeman about how incompetent they were with dealing with 'useless detectives'. She ignored him once more and approached the cop, saying nothing as she tapped the cuffs hanging from his belt and left the house.

She rolled her shoulders back and forth, removing a lollipop from her pocket and sliding it into her mouth as she gazed down once more at the body from the drive way. Her stare fell upon the police and medical examiners scattered throughout the lawn, her mind moving them into position and her eyes falling onto the dirt next to fence. Her gaze wandered over the foot impressions as her frown softened a bit.

She walked around the fence once more and crouched over the body, eyes sliding over the body first before reaching the head. The policemen and medical examiners watched her silently, confused as to the role that she should be playing in all of this. Her gloved hand traveled along the blood trails on the head; she pinched the chin, shifting the head to look at her for the sole purpose of her examining his eyes. She stayed like that for moments, the medical examiner wanted to say something but didn't for the weird feeling that he was receiving from her.

She released the head and turned to leave, as she had another destination to be in. A car stopped in front of the house and she opened the door to the back, getting in with an exasperated sigh. The car eventually stopped in front of the Sentinel Services' Headquarters, but instead of making a move to leave the car she stared at the building's front doors.

She notice the driver release of impatience, causing her to roll her eyes and exit the car, with a last wave of the middle finger before fully closing the door.

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