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Something was wrong; Ryden could feel it. This overwhelming sense of dread, of conflictment had him gasping for air. The pain he felt was subsiding, but there was a new kind of pain. It was crude and inhumane, eating away at his sanity. There was this pounding in his head–like the beating of a drum–and each new pound was in tempo with a scream.

Ryden slowly opened his eyes, feeling the destruction within his mind grow each second that passed; yet, strangely... he was at ease. He knew Andy was near, and that simple fact kept him conscious; it shouldn't have mattered as much as it did, but–despite how hard he tried to deny it–it still did.

He saw her then, the portal lady–her magenta-black hair and jade green eyes were unmistakable–was lying on the ground, her thoughts like scrambled eggs; all around the place.

The pounding began once more, as strong as ever. A scream erupted from his lips–it seemed to come from his very core, it was so loud–as his newfound, dark powers began to act up. The light above them–maybe a lightbulb?–shattered, and the wood around him was ripped apart.

His eyes glowed the brightest green, then the purest silver, followed by the most beautiful blue, and going back to the wonderful, but haunting emerald green. So many voices–too many. So many emotions–please, make it stop.

Someone took a step near him–a small one, really–and his powers acted out, throwing pure force at them, "Enough!"

A hand grabbed him and forced him up, making him stare at the rich brown eyes that belonged to the hand. Fear and fury took over him; he couldn't see, or think straight anymore. It was chaos; utter chaos in its purest form. He wanted to let Andy–because who else could it have been that made hi m feel this much chaos?– go and yet, he wasn't able to.


The thought echoed through the chaos as his eyes snapped upward toward the sky. It was like dropping a pin into a room that was bustling with sound, but somehow felt quiet; the word echoed throughout the walls of his mind like teardrop falling on a screen.

Monster. Monster. Monster.

Ryden's breathing was slowing, his powers trying to act out, and cease this idiotic notion of him being a monster. But how could they, when it may be true? One could deny the truth; but stopping it was a whole other thing.


He recognized the thought almost immediately, the chaos turning to self-destruction and sorrow. Tears streamed down his face like rain as he turned, and stared at Andy. Andy, who looked at him with a mix of pure emotion and horror.

Ryden laughed silently to himself, shrugging off the muscled man off him, and lightly pushing him away. The sound coming from his mouth should've been filled with mirth and beauty, but instead, it carried the weight of death, and sorrow of loss. Loss...grief.

The grieving of the humanity Ryden thought he lost. With that thought–that stream of endless thoughts–he pressed his finger to his right ear, like a fingergun.

He spun and faced Andy –it took courage, but honestly; what else did he have to lose? Ryden smiled, waterfalls of grief still travelling down his cheeks, the sorrow threatening to drown him slowly.

He met Andy's eyes–god, his eyes– and mouthed the words that made little pain fade away, but more heat slip into his chest. Beautiful and horrible how the truth could hurt, yet save.

'I fell in love with you, my shining knight'

He pressed the thumb down, and the full force of his abilities shot forward; he didn't know much about them, but he knew enough. He knew enough to understand it was going to destroy his mind, and therefore stop his heart.

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