Past out Artie

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(A/N here, I'm just saying ima start rapping this up. Also, I didn't use google translate, mostly cause I was too lazy, so I just use my basic understanding of French and if you guys have better understanding of it and cringe, sorry. Anyway thanks for reading!

Francis POV-
After making dinner with help from Matthieu,of course, I herd a light thump from upstairs. Me being me got curious and walked upstairs to "investigate" the strange noise.

"Francis? Où vas-tu?" Matthieu asked

"Matthew, my dear sweet Matthew. For the love of GOD, please, speak English." Alfred begged as he sat down.

Matthieu turned and look at Alfred with a cold,dead, glare and said "Non." As he returned his focus to me.

Alfred put a hand over his heart as a fake tear rolled down his cheek. "You have betrayed me brother."

"Eat your food, Al."

Matthieu looked at me. "Sorry! Back to my question though?"

"Oh yes! I was going to go check on that strange noise I 'erd earlier." I said as I pointed upwards.

"Oh,sorry, i ain't stopping ya,eh?" Matthieu said as he sat down to join Alfred.

"Okay mon ami! I'll be right back, but zhis time with Arthur!" I smiled and walked towards the stairs and to Arthur's room.





"Arthur? Are you in there? Iz everything okay?" I asked worriedly as I continued to knock.

"Arthur, if you don't answer me, I'm going to assume that you died and I'm going to come in........" I stopped knocking.

Still no reply.




"That's it! Your dead, I'm coming in!!"

I barge into Arthur room, to see him halfly on the bed and ground. I walk up to cautiously, as if he would spring up like a zombie and bite me...... i wouldn't mind though. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Anyway! I slowly tap his shoulder than I start to shake him awake. "ARTHUR!" I yell in his ear.

"Arthur??" I shake him one more time, but this time even harder.

"'Oly Shirt of a French men........MATTHIEU!!! ALFRED!!!! VENEZ ICI!!!! VITE!! (Matthew! Alfred! Come here! Quick!) I yelled as loud as I could.

Matthieu And Alfred came running up the stairs and to the room where me and our roommate Arthur lies unconscious.

Matthieu And Alfred semi walked into the room, Matthieu's face paled while Alfred had a bit of a smirk.

"Wha- What ha-ppend here?" Matthieu asked through huffs of air.

"Mattie dude, you should stop eating that ice cream and hit the gym with me some time? Ya!" Alfred said while tapping his brothers back.

"A-al, this is no time to be joking!" Matthieu caught his breath and walked over.

"Aww come on Matt! I'm just tryna light the mood!" Alfred shrugs it off.

"Anyway, imma go finish ma food!" Alfred said as he walked out of the room.

Matthieu ignored his brother and focused on Arthur.

He sighed "It looks like he just passed out from exhaustion of some sort." Matthieu said as he stood up and walked over to the door.

"'Ow can you tell?" I asked him. He just smiled and replied "you can literally see the bags under his eyes." I looked down at Arthur to see for myself. And Matthieu was not lying, the bags were really noticeably, I wonder why I didn't notice before?

"ALFRED!!! WE NEED YOUR HELP!" Matthieu yelled? It was more of a normal voice but it's probably a yell for him.

After a couple of seconds Alfred was standing at the door way. He was standing right beside Matthieu that it was hard to tell the difference, beside the hair and the height. Matthieu has longer hair and was taller, while Alfred's hair was messy and short and was a bit shorter than Matthieu.

"Whatcha need?" He asked

"Well, we need help with Arthur, we're gonna move him to his bed." Matthieu explained to his brother.

"Why can't Francy pants over there carry him?" Alfred asked

"You mentioned earlier that you go to the gym, so I assumed you're strong. But if your not, than Francis and I can move him by ourselves." Matthieu said trying to push one of Alfreds buttons.

"No! I'm strong! I have to be!! Cause IM THE HERO!!!" He laughed as he picked up Arthur like nothing and put him on his bed. "There! Done! Now, Bro, U owe me some ice cream!"

Matthieu looked at him "Go ahead, just not my Maple Walnut!" Alfred laughed and left the room once again.

Matthieu sighed and looked over at me "do you think you can look after Arthur, please? I would like to lie down and-" he cut himself off.

"OH MERDE! I FORGOT ABOUT KUMA!" He yelled and ran out of the room to what assume is to feed his pet.

I got up and walked down start to get and put away the food, once I did that I brought mine and Arthur's food back upstairs just in case he woke up.

(Happy New Years! I'm back! Even though i wasn't gone for long. It's a short chapter but it will due for now! See ya next Friday, hopefully.)

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