Come back.

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~Matthew's POV~

After I crawled out of the little door, I shut my closet door and head to bed, as I was drifting off to sleep my phone rings.

I pick up "Hello?"


Oh it was Ivan. "Oh Ivan!"

"I told you that I would call you later, so i called."

"Oh yeah. I was meaning to ask you how do you know Alfred?"

"Hmm? Oh well that's simple! We have the same job but as you know in different country, but we have meeting set up every now and again, so I do see him quite often."

"Oh." Was all I had to say.



"What time is it over there?"

"Ummmm." I look over at the clock. "It's 12 o'clock exactly. What time is it over by you?"

"7 am. It's late for you, go to bed and will talk later, Да?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

"Доброй ночи."

"Good nig- morning to you then." I said then we both hung up.

I curl up by kumajiro and fall into slumber.
~in Matthew's dream(3 POV)~

Matthew was in a semi small room with a chalkboard, semi long table and 6 chairs(including his chair). Three chairs were empty, there were two other people in the room. One was drawing on the chalkboard and the other was just sitting there. 'Wait a minute. That's Ivan!!" Matthew sighed in relief as he knew someone in the room. He got up from his chair and walked over to Ivan.


"Hm? Oh Kanada! What's wrong?"

"Who's Kanada??? Wait never mind, where am I?"

Ivan grew worried as he stood up and I back away out of my will.

"Where are you going Kanada?"

His words were getting slured now but Matthew cloud still hear a bit.Ivan started to become farther away as the mumbled words of "Come Back!!" Was heard.

Matthew then was what seemed to be in a vehicle with both Francis and Alfred in the front. Francis was driving.

"Guys.. where are we?" Matthew asked but got no response.

"Guys?" Matthew went to touch Alfred's shoulder but his hand slipped through him.

It was like he was dead.

The gas tank runs out of fuel. " GREAT!! Just the fucking luck we need." Alfred says sarcastically.

"We will just 'ave to walk" Francis said as he got out. The second he opened the door a gunshot was heard. "ÉTAS-UNI!! WOODS NOW!" Then flowed by another gunshot. That Was the last words of Francis. Then black was everywhere.
~Matthew's POV~

I wake up, my heart pounding against my chest.

I feel a light thud against my legs. "Hungry" it was just kumajiro. I look over at the time. It's still pretty early. 6:14am.

I sigh "time to get ready,Eh?" I said while looking at Kuma.

"Just be quick, I want food."

"How'bout pancakes?" I asked

"That will do." He replied and got off my legs and sat on my pillow.

I walked over to the bathroom and locked both doors just in case Alfred wakes up.

I finished up showering and unlocked both doors.

I grabbed kumajiro off my pillow. I check the time. 6:27am, dame I was quicker then I thought.

I walked down stairs to see I'm the first one up, i walked over to the kitchen to start making pancakes.

I placed kumajiro on the island and started looking for everything.

Once I found everything I started baking. I hear someone come downstairs.

"Morning." It was Arthur.

"Morning" I said while flipping a pancake, a perfect one if I do say so myself.

"Pancakes?" he asked.

(A/N here, sorry for the short chapters. If this was confusing, almost everything will be explained in the next chapter.)

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