Room tourers

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(A/N this captured may be a bit longer then normal)
~France's POV~
Matthew closed his eye and chose a stick and pulled it out.

He opened his eyes and then looked at the flag, actually we all looked at Arthur.

"THE BRITISH FLAG HAS BEEN CHOSEN!" Alfred said with a mighty voice.

Arthur sighed and opened up the door to his room to let us in.

Wow, it's vary nice in here. He's got a defuser on a little nightstand by his bed, a nice lavender sent was in the air. I also had a defuser in my room too. He had a Harry Potter poster above his bed along with a doctor who poster. He had a tiny book shelf in his room, we all got one. It was full of books most of them being in other languages. He had a carpet with a questionable design on it. Maybe I shouldn't ask. He had a British flag on his wall and an English flag ( yes they are two different flags)
And it seems that he has all of his clothes unpacked. His bed had a black and white and gold sheeting, with his suitcases underneath the bed.

"Well? How does it look?"Arthur ask?

"Vary organized." Matthew said.

"Your still the same at least." Alfred said to himself.

"Um? What was that Alfred?" Arthur asked

"Vary stereotypically" Alfred said

"How so?"

"Aren't all Britts organized and gentlemens and tea this tea that?" Alfred said bluntly.

"Ummmmmm." Arthur was trying to come up with an excuse but we all know it's true.
(A/N here, sorry if I offended anyone.)

"That's what I thought!" Alfred laughed.

"Shale we go to the next room?" I asked

They all nod and we walk out, Arthur shut his door behind him. "So, who's next?" Arthur asked .

Alfred shoved the cup in Arthur's face. "CHOOSE WISELY!" He declared.

Arthur rolled his eyes and looked away, he pulled out a flag, he looked then sighed. It was the American flag.

"GOD BLESS AMERICA!!" Alfred yelled as opened his door to let us in.

It was vary patriotic, the American flag was every where. On his bed, pined up on the wall, he had a punching bag that had stars on a blue back round. He didn't put his Clothes away just yet. He had a gym bad hanging up on a hook along with some old fashion cowboy belts and sweaters. He had a bunch of American movie posters up along with basketball, baseball, football and Soccer posters. I swear I saw a McDonald's bag somewhere.

Matthew sighed looking at the sports posters.

"What's wrong Matthieu?" I ask him

"Eh? Oh, it's just that there's no hockey posters up." He sounded sad.

"THATS WERE YOUR WRONG MATT IN THE HAT!!" Alfred yell across his room.

"Matt in the hat???" Arthur repeated

Alfred then smack a Pittsburgh Penguins hockey poster on the wall.

Alfred looked at Matthew.

Matthew smiled and patted his brothers shoulder. "Nice team Al."


"Next room please?" Arthur said leaving the room.

We all agreed, the room was starting to hurt my eyes.

"Okay Alfred, who's choosing next?" I asked him.

He smiled and shoved the cup in my face. "YOUR TURN! CHOOSE NOW!!"

I closed my eyes and chose a random stick, i look. It's my flag!! "Yay, my turn!!" I said while opening the door to my room.

I had a defuser in mine, it was a rose and Bergamont mix. I had purple bed sheets with a picture of Paris above my bed. I had a miniature eifle tower on my bookshelf along side a globe. I had many books but they were mostly cook books and the rest were in French. I had a vase on my dresser and all my clothes were put away nicely. I had a couple of inspirational posters around my room.

Matthew was looking at my bookshelf and looked at one book and pulled it out.

Out of all the books that were there he pulled out 50 shades of gray. When Matthew went to open it, Alfred ran up to him literally smacked the book out of his hands and covered his eyes.

"What do you mean? It was in French how do you if it's bad?" Matthew asked

"Your brother 'as a point, you know." I said to him.

Matthew removed Alfreds hands from his eyes
"50 shades of gray doesn't sound that bad."

"Oh, your too young for that Poppet." Arthur said.

"I'm 19 though?" He said raising his voice a bit but not a lot.

"Yeah but still innocent!" Alfred said aging picking up the book and putting it back.

"not really." Matthew mumbled to himself.

"What was that?" Alfred asked

"N-no-Nothing, Eh?" He smiled shyly. "Nexts room is mine! So let's go,Eh?" He said changing the subject.

"OKIE DOKIE!" Alfred shouted.

We walked down the hall to Matthew's room,
His room smelled like a forest after it rained. Ah! He had a defuser in his room. He had the Canadian flag for a bed cover and pillow frame. He had a hockey bag in a corner. He had a laptop on a desk, his polor bear was playing it. A fluffly but slickly, big dog bed was at the end of Matthew's bed. Hockey posters were on his wall pretty much every Canadian team was on there and a couple American teams. He had a couple of picture frames on his wall and dresser. Alfred was smiling at one of them.

"Iz that you and Matthieu in that picture?" I asked him

"Yeah, I remember this like it was yesterday" he said

*backflash narrative*

(Alfred) He was five years old at the time, I was spending Christmas with him. A lake nearby was frozen solid and was safe to go on
"Al,Al,Al!!!" Matthew asked
"Yes Mattie?"
"Can you teach me how to skate?!" Matthew asked
"Do you have skates?"
"Yes!!"he replied
"Go grab'em and I'll grab mine!"
(Alfred) He ran of to go get his skates and his helmet, he even had a tiny hockey stick! I met him in the porch and we got our stuff on we walked to the lake to see a couple of Mattie's caretakers our on the ice. So I helped Mattie tie and put his skates on, he put on his helmet. And we walked on the ice. I slowly tot him to move around. He picked it up really fast. He fell a couple of times but not as much as you think. Al he wanted to do was score his first goal in hockey. I told him to go grab his hockey stick which was just on the side line of the ice. I got a puck from one of his caretakers and threw it on the ice. Matthew has a determined look on his face. He went fast for that puck, but he got it in and scored.
"AL! I did it!!"
"Good job Mattie"
"Hey boys look here!" One of his caretakers yelled.
(Alfred) his caretakers were just as proud of him just as much as me.
*end of Narrative backflash*
Alfred just started at the photo.

"Wow Alfred, you must have been a great brother!" Arthur complimented Alfred.

"My brothers hate me." He said.

"He was a great brother, even though the last time I saw him was when I was 7 or 8." Matthew said.

Then Matthew's phone rang.

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