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(A/N here just to come and inform you that my English grammar sucks. I never properly listened during English, sooooo. If I make any mistakes please tell me! Thanks for reading this)

~France's POV~
This man named Alfred had a huge smile on his face, it was kinda annoying just looking at it. But he's one of my roommates in till I have enough money to buy my own house.

"Bonjour, my name iz Francis Bonnefoy!"
I said as warming as I can.

He gave me a big smile, but his eyes held a different story. " So like, are you French or?"
He sounded so confused but a little interested.

"Oui, And I take it that you are from Etats-Unis?" I ask him, and yeah I like saying countries and places in my native tongue.

He looked at me confused "Eh-Tats- Uneies????" He said. Nom de Diue. I need to teach him some French.

"Ah, sorry. I mean Amerique." It's almost an anglesemue *sorry if I spelled that wrong* (have English have French word) but he understood it at least.

"OHHHHHH! Yeah dude!!!"

Yup I made this awkward. I just wanna continue reading some new recipes from my phone.

"So like, um, you know where the bathroom is? Cause like, she never told me." He asked

Now that I think of it, she never told me too. "Non, I'll go ask." I said

"No worries dude! The HERO shale go and ask!!" He ran to the porch.

He walked back in "K, so there's 3 bathrooms upstairs and one down here. The one down here is just over by the stairs." He said and walked away.

I then decided to take a look at the kitchen that was to the left of the porch. I walked in and it was actually really nice, the counter was vary clean and so was the floor, no mold no dust just clean. The counters were white with a dark wood for the cupboards. The floor was tiled with a blackish grayish color. And ended by the island, and once you got to the island it went back to the wood floor and into the tiny dining room, it was a medium sized wood table with wood chairs that had a blue cushioning for the sitting part. Though the table looked like it need to be cleaned.

I walked back to the living room and sat down and went back on my phone. I didn't realize that Alfred was sitting on the couch too. Whoops. He was on his phone too, looking at some pictures of him and someone else. They looked vary similar, maybe a sibling. I couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl from where I was sitting, he had a smile but his eyes were sad.

Should I ask him?
Yeah now or never right?
"Um, Alfred?"

He whipped his head up "Yeah dude?"

"Who iz that? If you mind that I ask." He looked like he had a mixture or anger,sadness and remembering something important. Then he smiled his eyes did too. Almost as there were starts in his eyes.

"Nah! I don't mind! This is my is my brother!" Hm, I was right, though his face kinda has a feminine shape plus with the kinda long hair or a least for a male, almost kinda looked like mine.

He continued "I haven't seen him sense he was 7, the government took care of him in Canada. As the government took care of me in the US." His eyes dulled

"Oh, I'm sorry mon ami, but why does he look like he's a teenager in this picture?" I asked. His face palled

" it's complicated." He mumbled.

MERDE! I made this worse " um,Sorry but it's okay, you see I was also raised by the government!" I said quickly.

He looked up and mumbled something again. I couldn't hear it, I was laced in a heavy southern accent.

Then the the door opened.

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