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June's POV

I just wanted to laugh cause my plan to fuck with Patrick actually worked. The reason I know for sure is the fact that after, when he was supposed to give me notes he simply said, "Fuck you." I laughed out loud and everyone must have wondered what was wrong with me but, who the hell cares. 

I go to my car and wait for Amelia to come out.  She went to talk to Bryan and I can only assume what is going to happen, the ship is sinking. She cheated! I mean if you look at the song you know the exact meaning of it and she sang it. I know Patrick was over te moon that she chose his song, but I'm a little bit shocked that she would do that! Thats not the Amelia I know and love. 

I finally see Amelia and there is no Bryan. Shit fuck. 

"Let's go home," I say seeing the horribly guilty look on her face. 

I get into the car and I really want to pry at what is going on, but I know that I won't. She looks like she wants to cry and I know she knows it's ok to cry and scream infront of me, but she won't. 

We listen to the engine roar on the way to her house, no one spoke and a heavy cloud of emotion filled the car and I didn't know how to be rid of it. Even after I dropped her off there was still this cloud and I have no idea why she is so glum. I mean first off, who did she cheat with?! That is a good question that I know I can't ask now, she'll tell me in time. I just know that I am going to wanna go to sleep and forget about how upset she looked. She's my best friend and the last time she had that was at Her funeral. 

It wasn't right for her to still be doing this to her self , drudging up old memories, god I hope tomorrow is better. 

I text her and say that if she needs me I am always here. Then I head down to dinner where my parents have made up fro whatever fight they had. 

Amelia's POV 

I walk into my house and just stand there for a minute, then I walk to my room drop my bag and leave. It's starting to get cold. Fall is making its way into scene. I know where I'm going and I don't want to go, but I need to see Her. 

I walk for a long time, until I get there and I walk into the gated area. I find her place among the others and sit down leaning against the stone. 

"I didn't bring you anything, I'm sorry. And I'm sorry I'm not here more often... I'm sorry." I run my hands over the dirt and grass. She's never coming back. 

I sit there for at least an hour and talk to Her in the graveyard, to her stone. 

Before I leave I tell her I love her, it was the first time I felt dangerously close to crying, I make a quick turn and start walking home. 

The next morning i go to school with June and I make my way through the day and I just feel off. My life just feels off, what's wrong with me? Why do I feel so... Off beat? 

I'm shaking and I feel my chest tighten, this is a panic attack, not again. 

I get to the dressing room of the theatre building and sit on the floor, I just need to calm down.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2014 ⏰

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