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June's POV 

    Zero hour was first for me. Guitar class god I was so psyched, I had just barely learned how to play pver the summer and I wanted acutally be good. The class was in. So Amelia tried to teach me how to play, but it took almost the entire summer to teach me to play two chords. Let's just say I wasn't exactly motivated and got distracted easily. She threw guitar picks at me at one point, yeah that was not fun. 

    I enter into the class room with my black and red classic Fender accoustic guitar. My case was black but I painted on red accents, like fluer de lis and swirls. It looked awesome and what's sad is I spent more time on painting the case than accutally learning how to play the damn instrament. Amelia didn't act to pleased to see me spending that much time on the case, but what ever. I'll learn in this class. 

    I find that I know next to no one in the class, Fuck me.  I yell in my head. 

    So to keep myself from being completely and utterly awkward I take a seat in the center back row. The room was in the shape of a "U" cause it doubles as the choir room. I throw my backpack on the ground and lean my head back. I close my eyes and jut wait for the class to start. 

    The final bell rings and I am about ready to fall asleep when I hear a voice adress the class. 

    "Hey guys so my name is Mr. Stump and I am your guitar teacher. I am new here so I obviously will not know your names. So let's go around and say them since we only have 15 minutes in here."

    My head snaps back faster than I thought was humanly possible when I heard his name. I had my eyes wide open and in dibelief. There is no way in hell that is Patrick Stump, that's all that was running through my head. 

    It finally got to me and I raised my hand, "June Hasley."

    "Nice to meet you," he smirks.God that was sexy... wait what am I saying. He is a flipping teacher for christ sake!

    "Alright since we have about 5 minutes left in here, why don't you guys ask me some questions about the class you might want to know." He sits on the stool so he can face us all and I can't seem to tear my eyes away. I mean he might be the Patrick Stump!

    "What kinds of songs will be learning?" this sophmore named... I don't know I wasn't paying attention. 

    "Well, that'll come later after we learn chords, but it'll range from rock to indy to pop to country. I don't exactly have it completely planned out," he chuckles and rubs his neck. 

    That was it, this was going to be my most favorite class of the day, hands down. I don't care about getting up early, this man, Mr. Stump, was worth getting up for. He has to be the chillest and coolest teacher I have ever met. God this year is going to be the year of awsome shit. 

Amelia's P.O.V. 

    I pushed past the crowds of people going to their classes. I got to wait 15 minutes because I don't have a zero hour but now I was making my way to my first hour. I got to the auditorium as fast as I could. For the past three years I have been in theatre and last year our old theatre teacher announced she was pregnant and would not be returning. Needless to say I'm a little nervous. What if the new guy is terrible? 

    I walk into the classroom behind the auditorium and only a few kids had filled it in. I smile at them; no teacher in here? Huh. I look at the board and in stupidly nice hand writing it says 'sit where ever you want' so I take a seat in the first row. 

     A minute later Dalton, my favourite male on this planet, walks in. He spots me and waltzes over. He takes a seat next to me. "Have you seen it?" he asks suspiciously. 

    "I have not," I say even more so. 

    "Does it exist?" he questions glancing around.

   "Logic dictates, my good sir, logic dictates it does not," I look at him and he smiles, I win. 

   "No one has seen this new teacher yet," he says normally.

   "I know," I smile, "Maybe he's a ghost!"

   "How do you know it's a he?" Dalton raises and eyebrow.

   "Thomas Hiddleston is a boy's name is it not? Please, correct me if I'm wrong. I mean, I'll let him officially identify his own sex but Thomas is a traditional male name," I give Dalton a mocking look. 

   He rolls his eyes at me and I laugh. The final bell rings, and everyone takes a seat. A moment later a tall man, with cheek bones that could cut diamonds walks in. He is wearing black slacks, black dress shoes, a white button up that is tucked in and has sleeves rolled up, and a dark grey vest. He smiles and I can't help but feel attracted. I mean, dang!

   "Hello," he says brightfully , "I am Mr. Hiddleston and I am your new theatre teacher." 

   The class responds with a slew of hellos and heys. 

   "Well, because we only have 15 minutes lets go around saying names, we'll start in the back corner," Mr. Hiddleston looks around, he takes a seat on a stool in the front of the classroom. "Stand up and say your name as creatively as you can."

    We move around the room and each person, or at least most people say their name in a fantastic manner. When it gets to me I stand up slowly and same my name, "Amelia Colfer" in a smooth jazz voice, as classically as I can, and I sit down slowly. The class claps and I smile. I'm not president of theatre club for nothing. Dalton say's his name like a classic southern woman and everyone laughs. 

    After everyone finishes Hiddleston grins, "Very good!" he cheeks the time, "Five minutes still, are there any questions?"

   A girl names Clare, who I strongly dislike, raises her hand and he nods at her, "Are you single?" Her friend Audrey laughs. 

   I turn around, "Really? Can we be a little more appropriate please?" I ask sternly.

   "Oh, It was a JOKE," Audrey glares and I shake my head. 

   "Well, I think Amelia is right but I am not in a relationship if you must know," Mr. Hiddleston smiles at me. That smile. Oh my. AHUGHGETJSTHGAHTY!!! HE'S A TEACHER! 

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