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June's POV 

     Today was the first day of theater. I look forward to seeing the confused freshmen every year, it's wonderful. Also I now get to meet the new Theater teacher who will be our director. Amelia told me he was "a cute," so I have high hopes for him. My AP art class is about over so Mrs. Stephens tells us that we can clean up. I hurriedly throw my pencil into my bag along with my sketch pad. I place my sketch pad into it's carrier so I can work on it at home tonight. I watch the clock closely as I place the stool on top of the desk. I look at the clock and it is just about to be 2:35, meaning it should ring any second. 


    It always rings a minute early, so I rush out of the class and run to the choir class to grab my guitar and then rush to the theater building. I barge into the room and see several students standing around Mr. Stump. His eyes go directly to me and I shift awkwardly and head over to where I stashed my guitar, Eden (yes I named it, it's my baby). I walk to the other door on the opposite side of the room. 

     "Hey June, could you come here for a second?" Mr. Stump asks as he uses his arm to motion me over. I was conflicted, the part of me that is attracted  to him said walk over, while the rational part said that I had to get to theater. 

    "Um, I have to be at theater," I point my thumb to the door and I notice that his face fell in that moment. 

    "Ok um, could I talk to you during late start tomorrow?" he asks me.

     "Yeah, see you then," I say and head out quickly to avoid my desire inside telling me to stay. 

     I rush over to the theater building and run to the theater room where Amelia is waiting for me.

      "Well you took your sweet ass time didn't ya," she says sarcastically.

     "Mr. Stump stopped me in his class." I say setting my stuff down in the back of the classroom. 

     "Why were you even there?"

    "I leave my guitar in his class. It's easier than carrying it around all day," I say defending myself as I see Aimi and Marley walk in. 

     "So why did he want you?" 

     "I don't have a clue but he wants to see me during Learning Center tomorrow," I shrug.

    "Wait there's learning center tomorrow?" Aimi asks me.

    "Evidentally," I shrug yet again.

     "I GET TO SLEEP IN!" She says hyped up for it. 

    "Yeah, and I don't," I say closing my eyes and groaning mannishly.

    "Well that was sexy," Amelia laughs making me strike a faux sexy stance making everyone laugh. 

    "Alright, man your stations ladies, we are about to bring in the freshmen. June, you and Aimi have Props right?" Amelia says pointing at me.

    "Aye Aye captain," I say with an Irish accent. 

    "Alright," she smirks.

    "Hey you have your speech ready?" I ask her as I head towards my position in the wings of the large stage.

    "Yeah," she breathes before walking out onto the lit stage. 

Amelia's P.O.V.  

    I walk out on stage and see the crowds of Freshmen and other new theatre kids. I always feel nervous I mean, they are scary as hell. I smile out to the crowd, "Hello," I try to say the greeting brightly any some people respond with hellos. "Welcome to Theatre! I'm Amelia Colfer and I am the Theatre Club president. I hope you have had a warm greeting from the returning theatre student out there. Today you will be touring the theatre building in groups and getting to talk with each technical crew and after wards we all come back here and fill out a technical crew application. You all should have gotten a number. Go to the senior who is wearing the number you got. Have fun and stay cute." I grin and walk off stage as everyone gets into their group. People walk around and it's a little crazy. I stay out of the way. 

   Mr. Hiddleston walks over to me, "That was a great speech." He smiles. 

   "Thank you," I nod, "That's always hard."

   "Is it?" 

   "Yeah, getting front of all those people is hard, but I haven't died yet so that's good."

   He laughs, "Yes, very good indeed!" 

  100 tech applications turned in and everyone is gone. I'm grabbing the last of my stuff and about to meet June out front. I run into Mr.Hiddleston. He smiles. "Can I ask you something?" he asks softly.

   "Uh, yeah." I nod hoping this doesn't take long.

   "I was thinking we could do The Deep Blue Sea as the play this fall, what do you think?" he asks stepping forward and I have to stop myself from stepping away. He's a teacher. 

   "I've not head of it." 

   "No? oh well, It's lovely. I think we'll do it."

   "Fantastic. I can't wait to audition." I smile and walk out of the building. 

   "That took you long enough," June notes jokingly and I laugh. 

   " Hiddleston wanted to ask me about the play."


   "HUSH UP!"

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