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June's POV 

   So two weeks have gone by and it has been some of the most awkward two weeks of my life... and I am just an awkward person in general. I mean honestly. I have been bolting out of class when the bell rings and will make every effort to avoid eye contact during both class and "glee." It has been awful and I honestly am still a little fazed by it. I don't know what to do in response to that. I honestly don't know. 

   In other news BRIAN AND AMELIA ARE DATING!  She is of course denying that fact! I mean honetsly she is saying that she is not in a relationship even though they have gone out like 5 times for christ sake. 

   Yeah, so that has been happening and well now Mr. Hiddleston has been bringing his stupid stuck up girlfriend to every fucking after school activity. Oh my god I mean she has such a mouth on her. I am suprised that he can stand her! She is so flipping annoying. UGH. 

   So speaking of rehersals, we are all doing our solo sing offs, but I actually get the chance to reherse a song, and well... I am have something in mind, but I don't know if I'll go through with it. A couple of people have gone and well... the bitchy people have medeocre voices while the nicer people, my friends, have amazing voices. I know I am biased, but who gives a flying fuck! 

    Right now I am in AP Lit praying for the class to end, I mean it just keeps dragging on and on. I finished my timed write 10 minutes ago. Normally it should take you 40 but I just write really fast. I am counting down the minutes. Only 2 left and people still aren't done? How the hell is that possible?


     FINALLY! I scream in my head as I rush out the door while turning my paper in. I walk next door and I realize that I no have to wait for Amelia. So I pull out my black pen and begin writting song lyrics on my arm, in cursive.  "I'm in love with my own sins," kind of ironic. I smirk as it goes onto the inner part of my left forearm. 

    Then she comes in and I am completely ready to just get this day really started. 

    "Amelia," I sing as she enters the room. 

    "June bug," she sings back laughing. "What did you draw on yourself this time?" she chuckles.

    "Oh just some song lyrics," I play coy trying not to let her know who's lyrics they are.

    "Their his aren't they?" she says taking her seat infront of me. 

    "No of course not," I say awkwardly laughing, basically telling her that she is correct. 

    "They are, now let me see," she laughs and sits down. I roll my eyes and stick out my arm. "It looks nice."

    "Thank you, so you know what you're going to sing for 'glee'?" I say putting air quotes around the word "glee". 

    "Remeber I'm banned from singing? What about you?" She laughs

    "Forgot, sorry, and I have an idea, but I don't know if I'll actually do it," I say leaning back into my chair. 

    "What is it?" She inquires.

    "You'll just have to wait for glee and you'll find out. It's actually for a specific person," I mumble the last part, yet she still hears me. 

   "You mean for a certain musician?" she smirks.

    "Yeah," I moan into my hands.

    "That's cute," she laughs. 

    The class starts and I do not want glee to come around. I really don't. I have been biting my lip since the last hour started. I do not want to perform today but I might have to, depending on if my number is up. 

    I rush out of art to the theater class room to see Amelia waiting outside with some of our friends, incuding Brian. 

    "Hey guys, and Brian." I smirk at him and he rolls his eyes and looks sassy. 

    "I swear you hate me," he chuckles.

    "No, I'm mean to you cause I love you," I smirk and he just smiles back.

   "Well glee is going to begin very soon so we have to go," Marley points out.

    "Ugh I don't want to do this today," I groan.

    "You have said that every day these past few weeks," Ami laughs.

    "Yeah," I drag out as I enter the aditorium. I am so not happy to be here and Amelia can see it on my face. 

Amelia’s POV

                As we walk on stage I see Tom, his lady friend (who I might add has it out for me), and Patrick (who I also think has it out for me). I’m still not allowed to have a solo, so I’ve just been sitting and watching the duels take place. Cheered on my friends and for the most part sat quietly. I guess I’ll have to be a background singer, that’s just how it is. I’m bummed bit not willing enough to fight it. I can’t lose my part as Hester.

                So Brian and I sit with everyone else and Patrick goes to the stage and smiles at us, I feel June stiffen. “Hey guys,” he says coolly as if he doesn’t know that he’s almost complete brain fucked June, “today it will be June verses Audrey again. You two ready?”

                The two nod and stand up they go backstage and Audrey goes first. I’d be lying if I said I hate Audrey’s voice, its pretty and she can do some really lovely things with it. So, she goes on stage and sings “Wrecking Ball” and it’s pretty nice. A little pitchy but It’s over all good. And she finishes and she looks smug as hell, she doesn’t do meaningful song because the meaning speaks to her, she does them to look deep. UGH. I almost compliment her singing.  

                Patrick goes back on stage, “June's still getting ready but I’d like to say something,” June walks on stage and he doesn’t see her, “Amelia, I know we told you that you were not allowed to audition for solo but you have very good friends, every single person in this crew of singers mentioned… or yelled to me that I should let you audition.”

                I felt shocked and my friends cheered but I couldn’t help but think about what he said, everyone? Every single person? Maybe he meant enough people came and talked to him. I don’t know.

                 Then He steps aside and lets June sing.

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