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  There only five minutes left within the match of Teikoku against Raimon. Raimon's team was in state of panic as their only have few minutes left to turn the table but have no idea on how to do it.

 "This has turned into one-sided match." Nishikage comment after long silent cause by the question ask by Yuki.

 Nosaka laugh. "I wouldn't say that." He start. "To me Raimon look like they still have card up their sleeve. That coach's face, it's the face of someone with plan."

 The purple hair girl tilt her head in confuse. "Really? I thought it the face of someone who in verge of winning while playing game."

 Her words causing both boys sweat drop as that what Nosaka was pointing out. But in the meant time he also glad that she was back to her innocent attitude since she have been wearing serious expression the whole time. At the short times of knowing the girl, Nosaka could feel that she was more that was showed.

 "Oh." Yuki exclaim making the dazed boy snapped out of his thought. "That Chinese coach is up to something."

 They watch as Raimon's coach was talking to the members about something that they wouldn't able to catch. As the match continue, Raimon on getting their position. Raimon members seem to be marking their own territories and keep in defence within it. One of their player accidently kick out their ball making it in possession of Teikoku.

 Fudou march forward as he stole the ball from Sakuma which annoyed the ball. While he dribbling the ball he notice that Raimon's player seem to stop suddenly when they near him.

 "What?!" He exclaim. Until suddenly the small player from Raimon manage to steal the ball and directly pass it to Inamori and pass it to their captain shocking their opponent at sudden burst of technique.

 "The foosball technique ka?" Yuki mutter unimpressed making Nosaka laugh at her expression.

"Were you expecting something else?"

Yuki nod pouting. "I thought it would be new technique but I guess this could work too."

 Raimon then able to earn another goal with Kozoumaru using Fire Tornado and the goalkeeper cowardly dodge it. The match then continue with Teikoku sudden burst of speed shocking not only the opponent but also the members.

"It happening again." Yuki pointed out.

 Nosaka smirk. "I guess this is their last string." He comment as they watch Teikoku spikes help them move faster.

 Sakuma quickly dribble through opponent without problem with his speed until Inamori kick the ball toward the goalkeeper making her be able to secure it.

 Yuki then watch as the boy that used Gouenji hissatsu was saying something toward Fudou and Sakuma but they didn't snap back at him.

 The match resume but Teikoku keep making mistakes making them unable to gain the ball possession.

 "They aren't concentrating." Nosaka smirk with Nishikage nod in agreement.

 "Guess their finally realize that there are making the same mistakes as before." Yuki add.

"What mistake?" Nishikage ask.

 "Selling their soul to the devil." She shrug looking at Kageyama then smile when she saw Fudou take off his shoes. "He has truly change." She noted as she remember that Fudou used to keep craving for power but he seem to change for better. Then she watch as he raising his voice toward Kazemaru and thought 'Well his temper seem still there.' Kazemaru then go somewhere leaving the flustered Fudou with Sakuma who expression in disgust. "At least he making friend." Yuki chuckle.

Naive Love (Book 1) ⚽FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now