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 As the match end with Seishou winning 4-3, Yuki could be any happier as she watch the match between her two favourite players. Her eyes shine even as they rode the car back home. Hiroto just sweat drop at how bright his childhood friend was after the match. They stop in front of her house to drop her.

 "Thank you for dropping me off Hiro-chan." Yuki thanks him as she peek at him through the car window.

Hiroto just brush her off. "It's nothing."

 Yuki just smile and watch as the car disappear. "Bye, bye Hiro-chan." She shout and saw the boy hand wave at her through the window. After the car disappear she walk in her house.

 "I'm home." She announced to nobody. Yuki live by herself as she have been abandon by her mother at the young age for unknown reason and her father was never been told. She was taken care by an old lady when she was little but she passed away when she was ten. The old lady left her all the fortune which not much but it provide her home to stay.

 The old lady left her all the fortune which not much but it provide her home to stay

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 The house was simple Japanese house. It quite big for one person but it didn't bother her as she wasn't always around since she always spend her time at Hiroto's house. She wasn't able stay to long in the house since it remind her of the old lady that kindly took care of her. When the old lady passed away she didn't cry in front of those who came. She cry when she was alone in the house. But thanks to Hiroto, she never felt lonely as he never left her side. He even offer her to stay at his house but she declined. She want to take care of the house belong to the old lady that gave it to her.

 Days passed by as Yuki start to learn to be a manager much to Hiroto dislike. Since she have to take care of the members and Hiroto not wanting to leave her side, he have to follow her during the team training. She will fill the bottles, gave the members towels and even polish the ball. Then she will clean the club room, even pick the balls after training.

Hitomiko watch in amuse as Hiroto become grumpy as he wasn't able to spend time with Yuki as she have to do manager work. She knew that in his boredom, he watch each of the member's movement. So even when he didn't train with them, he knew their habits that will help him in match. Hitomiko then call Yuki who was taking notes about the member.

"Yuki-chan, come here for seconds." She call catching the girl attention along with her little brother who still moody.

"Yes?" Yuki ask.

"I need you to buy the things in this list. Can you do that?" The coach ask as she hand the girl a list of stuff.

Yuki nod. "Sure." With that she walk away ready to go to the city.

Hiroto watch as the girl basically skipping away. "Tch."

Hitomiko laugh at her little brother antic. She knew that he want to go but he knew that Yuki won't allow him since she always said that it her duty to do it. Yuki may be quite childish but when she was given a task, she will do anything in her strength to finish it.

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