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"Shintaro, Atsuhi, glad to that you could take some time from your schedules to meet with me" I began smiling at then, enjoying immensely as they shivered slightly in fear "I just wanted to announce that I'm finally dating someone" this took both by surprise, if their wide open eyes was something to go by "Seiji even adores him quite a lot"

"That's great Seijirou!" Shintaro congratulated me, before blushing slightly "Not that I really care!"

Ah, I sighed internally, Once a tsunader always a tsunader.

"That's great Sei-chin" Atsuhi said slowly, between bites "Who is he?"

"Kuroko Tetsuya" I answered, smile turning into a smirk when both of them froze at my words "I'm sure you both are aware of who he is, after all you both did date him. And he does work for you Shintaro"

"We did not date! We simply were set up for a blind date and afterwards he matched us up with our actual partners" Shintaro excused himself rapidly, cleverly knowing when he was into too deep "And yes, he works for me. He is a great worker and will make an amazing psychologist in the future. Pity that he'll leave for Kyoto by the end of the year"

"I'm sure you will give him a letter of recommendation for the best hospital there and a job offer whenever he returns to Tokyo" I commented, my threatening tone implying that this was not a mere recommendation but a command from me.

Shintaro paused slightly, suddenly taking a more serious stance and expression before talking again: "I will do that, but not because of you Seijirou but because he deserves so. I will not tell you how to proceed with your relationship, the same way you don't get involve in mine. However, I will tell you this. Kuroko is a hardworking young man, one who climbed himself from nowhere to where he is now. He will not like you getting involve in his work career or influencing people to make it easier for him. He isn't like those gold diggers or sluts you've slept with until now, always after money, fame or power from you. All he wants from a boyfriend is to be a loyal companion. So, don't try to cut his wings and lock him into a golden cage, he won't appreciate it... and I don't think you will be capable of doing so" he told me, an amused smile creeping into his face "I believe... no, I am sure that Kuroko Tetsuya is the only person in this world that you cannot control and that will never bow at you. I won't be surprised if you are the one doing the bowing when he is over with you"

There was a moment of startled silence. I must admit that for the first time Shintaro surprised me, he has always been so predictable... but this time he was not. An effect that my Tetsuya seems to have on people. First me, then my son and now Shintaro. Normally I would be furious by the idea of someone questioning my dominance or superiority, but somehow I can understand the reasoning of my friend. After all, I've only met Tetsuya a couple of weeks ago and I am already acting like a lap dog after him- very territorial over him and planning our lives together.

Also, Shintaro gave me a few pointers in how to deal with my first relationship... or at least, the first that really counts. It seems that my plan and Seiji's of making him so dependable of us that he will never leave must be changed. Tetsuya is just like me. A strong, intelligent and independent man who can easily climb the ladder of power. The only difference is that I had an early advantage. I will also shoot someone if they tried to tell me how to run my company.

"Dully noted, Shintaro" I replied, surely surprising them by no exploding "I just wanted to make sure none of you had any feelings left for him and to invite you to Seiji's birthday party. There will be a gala at night like always but Tetsuya came with the idea of doing something different at the morning. He said that as Seiji is a kid he should be doing child stuff and enjoy the day at the fullest, so we decided to go to the amusement park. You and your boyfriends are invited to participate. We will finish around two o'clock, giving us enough time to get back home, take a nap in Seiji's case, bath and get ready for the party" they both looked stunned at me for a couple of minutes until I finally asked "What?"

"Sei-chin, you've changed" Atsuhi was, surprisingly, the one to answer "That's good. Using we instead of I and incorporating changes into your routines because he recommended it"

"Atsuhi is right, we've been telling you that Seiji deserves some other kind of birthday. Not those dull corporate gatherings that your father forced into you. But you've never listened to us" Shintaro added "However, two weeks of dating and he is already changing you! For the better but still changing you"

I blinked a few times, realizing that they were right. Tetsuya is changing me... I don't like that. But then I recall Seiji's happy face when I told him about Tetsuya's idea and the warmth I feel every time my lover does something for me or my son. Then, maybe changing isn't that bad after all.

"He is changing me, isn't he?" I murmured softly, more to myself than anything else but they still heard me.

They didn't stay that much longer after that. I looked at the photo frame on my desk, it one only had Seiji in it but not it also has Tetsuya. I smiled warmly at the picture before calling my secretary: "Cancel all my meetings for today"

Not even explaining myself I took my stuff and left the office. There was somewhere else I needed to be right now. 

The Red Emperor {The tremendous love life of Kuroko Tetsuya, Book 2} [KnB]Where stories live. Discover now