Bonus chapter: Seiji's P.O.V

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I was heading towards the music room ready to start practicing my piano abilities, still not understanding what was wrong with them. Father was not pleased with any piece I played to him. He conceded that my piano was flawless- not that you could expect less from an Akashi- but he stressed the fact that something very important was missing. He didn't even pointed it out exactly, saying that it was something he could not teach me but had to learn it on my own.

I would sigh if it was't out of character, father really enjoys making thing more difficult than they are... all adults do really.

"Annoying people" I grumbled under my breath.

I heard some noises ahead, thinking that it was the head maid scolding the new girl again I ignored it. But the closer I got the clearer I heard the voices, both males at that. One I believe it was a butler, but the other I did not recognize at all. Deciding to deviate from my path for a while I decided to find out what was going on.

When I got to the entrance hall I was shocked by the beauty of the man that was arguing with some not important butler. He looked like an angel, so delicate and fragile, but his eyes burnt with a fierce and untamable raw strength, like a wolf.

He was so shouting about punching my dad the moment he sees him and about how dare him try to buy his love (My dad is gay?! Well, he does have excellent taste though). Ignoring the butler completely when he explained to him how powerful you were and that he should be polite because of it. What power! Someone not bowing down at the name of my father... he is so cool!!!

Suddenly everything went quiet, eyes were placed on me but I did not care, I was in trance at the beautiful teal jewels that pierce through me. The harsh expression slowly melted away into a soft look, one that only my father gave me. It made me blush and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

The man then smiled kindly at me and it felt like the moon was in the room: not so overwhelming like the sun but still very shinning, delicately. I did not know that man but somehow I knew it suited him.

"You must be Seiji, you father told me about you" the man finally said "My name is Kuroko Tetsuya, I am a friend of your father"

More like boyfriend, I thought drily.

"A pleasure meeting you. Dad is out right now but you could stay and wait for him, I was heading towards the music room to play some piano would you like to accompany me?" I offered politely, though I did so mostly to get to know him more.

"I would love to. Maybe I'll play some with you, I play too" he replied.

"You do?" I replied, a bit excited as he might be the one to help me discover what was wrong with my piano.

Though, I never thought he would have the audacity of telling me my piano was horrendous. However, when I dared him to play better than me. He shut my mouth, not only I've never heard that kind of music but he also revealed to me what I was doing wrong all along. He opened my eyes! His piano was filled with emotion and love, it was breathtaking.

"What kind of music was that? Can you teach me how to play like that? How did you get so good?" I shot one question after the other, I was so excited that I did not notice when I started acting like a little boy.

"Did you know that if you don't want to you don't have to follow the music sheet to the letter? For jazz the music sheets are like guides, if you want to make the tempo slower at one moment or faster you can do it. Jazz is feeling and improvisation. I believe that you will be very good at it" he answered, unfazed by my behavior- which made me feel better "And of course I'll teach you how to play. Now let's see what you've got here: Spring Waltz. I do like this piece very much, would you like to hear me play it?"

"Yes!" I replied rapidly, excited to hear him play again.

And play he did. He was amazing! Things got even better when father got home and Tetsuya did justice to his promise and punch my father.

He is so cool!

The Red Emperor {The tremendous love life of Kuroko Tetsuya, Book 2} [KnB]Where stories live. Discover now