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It was a quiet day and the exo members were unpacking last of there things because they recently moved out of the dorm and now they have a panthouse but no one knows the address and its guarded pretty heavily .

●2 hours later●

Suddenly a cry rang out in the house.
The first one to react was jongin as the other members followed .

They followed the noise of the loud crying and suddenly jongin came to a stop causing the others behind him to crash into one another .

"Yah jongin why did you suddenly stop?" Asked Baekhyun only to be replied with more crying when the others saw what or in this case who was causing the noise they were shocked because in front of them was Haneul crying .

■●~~Time skip~~●■

After two hours they finally calmed haneul down and searched about  his situation and they came to a conclusion to protect haneul out side of their dorm .

They got to know haneuls little side and played with him for a while but was interrupted by a ringing phone that belonged to suho.

" yes.......... okay...............yeah we'll be there soon .............bye "

"Guys we have to go for our fan meeting and while some get dressed the others should dress haneul up okay? " commanded suho and they .

When they arrived at the venue it was packed and filled with fans so they carefully made haneul get back to
His big space

They had a really great time at the fansigning event and when they got back they talked with haneul regarding this matter .

They set some rules to when haneul would go into little space .

As the day went on haneul called everyone except for chen daddy and called chen his hyung Uwu


I'm really sorry for the delay I got cought up and this is my apology
I'm really sorry I couldn't find my password as well

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