Chapter 22

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I look at my Dad and see him holding a box and my Mom standing next to my bed. I had a feeling I knew what was going on.

About 6 weeks ago, my chest was really hurting so my Parents took me to the Doctor. The Doctors did not think that I qwould survive. About 2 days later, I started to improve. The Doctors found out that all that was wrong with me was that my cancer was going away and that the chemo and radiation was actually helping. I got release from the hostpital and my Parents treated me so different. They actually let me go outside to play with my frineds one day. Even though I was getting better, I still was in pain. I guess my parents realised it and they felt sorry for me becuase one day they did the best thing ever. They asked me if I could have one thing in this whole entire world, what would it be? I said that I wanted a necklace because I have never had one before. Then they never brought it up again until now, I think.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Open it." My Mom said. My dad handed me the box. I opened it and my jaw dropped. It was a necklace that was an infinity sign and on the infinity

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