Chapter 20

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2 Days Later...

Augustus POV...

Hazel Grace has been in the hostpital for the past 2 days. They don't really know what happed to her. They were thinking a mini heart attack but they said that was unlikly, though. They also think that her lungs could have filled up with fluid again but they put a tube in her and nothing has came out so they don't think that was it either. I am really worried about her. I feel so bad that I picked an argument with her.

Emily is sitting next to me in the waiting room. We are allowed in Hazel Grace's room but they are doing a lot of tests on her and I don't want Emily seeing that. Also, she is still asleep. They gave her some type of medicine that puts her to sleep while they run tests on her. They basically gave her the same medicine that you get when you are having surgery. Emily is playing on her kindle whille I have my head in my hands and worry myself to death. I am so afraid. What if Hazel Grace doesn't make it? What if she does not make it and I never get a chance to say sorry to her about the argument? All of these questions keep popping into my mind. I just need to wait and be patient. The doctor said that she would have test results and the reason why Hazel Grace passed out today. I just have to wait.

I put my arm around Emily and watched her play her game. She was playing Candy Crush. I was helping her play it and then we moved on from that game and started to play Temple Run. We took turns playing it. After about a hour of playing on Emily's kindle, Hazel Grace's doctor walked up to us. Her name was Dr.Woodley. I got up out of my chair. I was afraid of what I was about to hear.

"Mr.Waters, your wife is going to be fine. There is no tumor growth in her lungs or anywhere else. All that was wrong with her was stress. The only part that we are not sure about with her is about her passing out. Normally stress does not cause you to pass out but in her case it did. We don't really know why but what we have concluded is that it was mixed with fluid in the lungs. I know she has not had fluid come out of her lungs in the past 2 days but this morning she had half a tank full of fluid draining. We have just concluded this reasoning for the passing out this morning so it could change. We are done doing tests on her for the next hour so I think it's okay for your daughter to go in there. Also, I have some really good news. I should have mentiond this when I started talking but the medicine is now out of your wife's system and she is awake now. There is just one thing I should tell you before you go in her room and that is that she will probably not be able to talk to you without her passing out again because she just woke up and she is still a little light headed so try not to make her talk a lot." Dr.Woodley said.

"Oh, thank you so much. I'm so happy to hear that." I said with a smile on my face.

"Your very welcome." She said with a smile on her face.

I held Emily's hand as we walked to Hazel Grace's room. When we found her room, I knocked on the door then I opened it. I saw her laying there watching TV.

"Hey, Honey. You feeling okay?"

"Hi. Ya, I'm feeling pretty good just a little dizzy." She said rubbing her eyes.

"That's good. Look, I want to say that I'm sorry for picking an argument with you. I probably caused this." I said.

"It's okay and I'm sorry, too and no, Augustus, you did not cause this. It was just stress. With everything that is going on in our lives right now, we should have known that this was going to happen." She said. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand. I held it in one of my hands and I held Emily's hand in my other hand.

"Your right, and your also right about giving Emily a break from daycare. I think you should use your vcation days and I will use mine." I said with a smile.

"Really?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"Yep but this is what I think should happen. I think you should take your two months off first because of you being in the hostpital and because it was your idea. Then, when your two months is up, you can go back to work and then I will use all of my vacation days and take off work and when they are up, I will go back to work and Emily will go back to daycare." I said.

"Okay." She said with a big smile on her face.

"Okay." I said with a big smile on my face.

"Oh, come on already, daddy! Kiss her!" Emily said in excitement.

Me and Hazel Grace laughed. I let go of Emily's hand I put that hand on Hazel Grace's face. I let go of Hazel Grace's hand, too. I also put that hand on her face. A few seconds later we were kissing.

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