Chapter XXVI

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“Raine is our son. He belongs with us, in his own pack. I’ll chalk it up to the fact that you’re young as to why you’d even think of allowing him in the pack when he belongs to another.”


We hadn’t been in the center house that long-- at least, I didn’t think we had. Torrence and I sat on the couch in the main room, with Rory, Ami, and Chancelor standing across from each other. When we came in, I noticed Anna in the kitchen, and she remained in the doorway as everyone spoke.


Danielle fumed by the stairs, not that I blamed her. Fenix was oddly MIA.


I didn’t mind that too much though. Right then, he’d just be a distraction. A highly attractive distraction.


“Raine left your pack, and willingly wanted to join mine. I wasn’t going to turn him away just because he came from another family.” Chancelor bit back, glaring slightly. I could tell he was getting irritated with Rory, who kept trying to convince Chancelor that I didn’t belong.


“I’m really sorry about all this, Raine,” Torrence said, shifting awkwardly beside me. I gave him a sidelong glance, raising an eyebrow. “It just slipped out, Will and I were talking about you, and I wasn’t paying attention to who was with us...sorry.”


I sighed quietly, shrugging slightly. “Nothing we can do about it now, is there?” I asked. Torrence hummed at that as Rory seethed.


“You’re aware I can call for a war because of this, right?” he threatened. Chancelor only rose an eyebrow.


“You’re kinda outnumbered to be making threats like that, aren’t you?”


Rory growled in his throat, but Ami put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a stern look. “We aren’t getting anywhere like this. Personally, I’d like to know why it was Raine thought he’d have to leave.”


“Oh yeah, because that’s such a surprise. We both know it’s because Haven can’t act like an adult for more than five seconds.”


Chancelor sighed, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose. In that moment he looked like an actual Alpha-- older and more put-upon than I’d ever seen him look. “You know, maybe it would help if we all knew the exact reason why Raine left,” he suggested, and I felt the color drain from my face. “I received a vague response, at best. So we’ll learn the actual reason, and decide from there.”


The three of them looked over to me, and I shrunk down further into the couch, eyes wide and nervous. What would Chancelor say to the real reason? I doubted he’d be okay with it. After all, like Haven had said-- it was practically incest.


But Torrence’s hand on my arm made me feel more grounded, as did Chancelor’s patient expression. It was silent in the house, oddly so, but it was shattered when the front door opened. I recognized those loud footsteps easily, but I didn’t turn as they came into the room.

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