Chapter V

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“This meeting is being conducted because some of you think that, for some reason, you can just do what you want. That the Alpha’s orders don’t apply to you. That you’re higher than that.”


I kept my head ducked in the front of the small crowd. The meetings were held in the center of the village, on the porch attached to our house. Rory walked across it as he spoke, obviously choosing his words carefully as the rest of us watched him. Haven stood beside me, his head held high. At least one of us looked respectable.


“Well, let me assure you, you aren’t. If I tell you to do something, you do it. You do not question it. You do not alter it. And you do not go against it.” Rory continued, giving Haven and I a pointed look. “When I give you an order, I expect it to be followed. Not ignored. The main point of this meeting, however, is to discuss the position of future Alpha.”


Haven flinched at that, and I couldn’t resist giving Rory a curious look. The future Alpha position had already been promised to Haven. He was next in line.


“Due to the amount of… misdemeanors, shall we say,” Rory said, “the position of the next Alpha is up for grabs. In five years, I will be stepping down from my position. By that time, the Beta who shows the most promise for being a responsible, respectable leader, will be Alpha.”


Haven’s facade cracked, and he twitched as he looked at Rory with a hurt expression. Rory met his gaze, not showing the least bit of remorse for his words. The rest of what Rory said was drowned out as I looked at Haven, who was having trouble holding a blank look.


“... Haven.” I murmured. He ignored me, so I said his name again, moving to lightly bump him with my elbow. He reacted as if he’d touched fire, moving away from me quickly.


“Don’t touch me.” he said under his breath. I frowned, tilting my head a little.


“I was just going to ask--”


“Shut up. Leave me alone.”




“Stop talking to me!” he hissed. I was so caught up in trying to get him to talk that I didn’t notice Rory watching us, glaring. “Leave me alone! If I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to talk! You’ve gotten me in enough trouble, not even counting last night!”


“Last night? What, I didn’t--”


“Hush, Raine!” Haven interrupted, finally looking at me. I could see the hurt and anger swirling in his eyes, making me frown. “I know! Okay? I know you like me! It’s kind of obvious! But I don’t like you! You’re my brother, that is it! And I’m tired of pretending that it doesn’t bother me!”


I just stared at him. I didn’t know what to say. It bothered him? But… he kissed me…


“Leave me alone! Stop trying to get me to like you, because I won’t! I never will! You’re a guy, and sorry, but I’m not gay! It’s disgusting!”


“Haven!” Rory said loudly, gaining our attention. We both looked up to see him glaring at us, and it was only then that I noticed how loud we’d gotten. The whole pack was watching us, some of them giving me a weird look. Almost like… they hated me. But that wasn’t possible, right?


I looked back to Haven, who was seething and glaring up at Rory before he stormed off. Rory watched him leave, then looked back to everyone else. “Dismissed.” he muttered. I could hear some people whispering to each other, and I suddenly felt the need to hide under my bed for the rest of my life. “Raine.”


Glancing up, I saw Rory motion for me to come forward. I walked up the steps of the platform, standing in front of him as he cleared his throat, putting his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Why don’t you uh… why don’t you go help your mother. With the dishes.” he mumbled. I looked at him, frowning slightly as he avoided my gaze. Finally he sighed quietly, reaching out and awkwardly patting my shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. Just go help your mother.”


Don’t worry about it? How could I not, after everyone looked at me like that?


I stayed quiet though, walking past Rory and heading into the house through the sliding doors. Ami hadn’t been outside for the meeting, instead choosing to stay in the kitchen, where I found her sitting at the table. She looked up when she heard me and frowned. “The meeting’s already over?”


“Yeah. Dad cut it short. He kinda just got right to the point, so.” I mumbled. She nodded, then glanced behind me and tilted her head slightly.


“Where’s your brother?”


“He left,” Rory answered for me, coming up behind me and patting my back as he stepped by, “he’s a little upset with me right now. He’ll be fine though.”


“What happened?” Ami asked, looking concerned. Rory just shrugged.


“I told the pack that the position for Alpha was up.”


“Rory!” she exclaimed, “You promised him!”


“I don’t want to leave my pack to a kid who has no self control. You know I’m right Ami. Lately he’s been nothing but trouble, and I don’t want an Alpha like that. He’d get everyone killed.”


I stayed off to the side as they argued, though Ami knew it was true. Haven had gotten more reckless, and now we didn’t even know where he was. We knew he’d come back, but… what would he say when he saw me? What would he do? Ami didn’t know about our little outburst, and apparently Rory wasn’t planning to tell her. Not with me there, at least.


“It’s for the best.” Rory said finally. “If he proves to be at least a decent Alpha within five years, he gets the job. If not, oh well. It’s up to him.”


Ami sighed quietly, shaking her head. “I guess you’re right.”


“I’m the Alpha, I’m always right.” Rory said with a smile. Ami smiled back, then looked over to me.

“How about some hot chocolate?” she asked. I nodded, moving to sit at the table as she got up and moved around the kitchen. Rory stayed standing, but came behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders. He was trying to make me feel better, in his own way, I knew. Rory was never really an affectionate person. I appreciated the gesture though, and for the next few hours, everything about the pack and the meeting was forgotten. I spent time with my parents, laughing and drinking my hot chocolate.

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