Chapter VII

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Moving deer. Not an easy task when the deer weigh more than you do.


Will and Haven were picking the deer up like it was nothing. Torrence seemed to have a little more trouble, but he was still doing better than I was.


I hadn’t even moved one.


I was in the middle of trying to drag one by it’s back legs when I heard a snort, making me look over to see Will and Torrence watching me with matching smiles. I glared back at them, and Torrence laughed.


“Now this is adorable,” Will commented. “I wish I had a camera.”


“I hate you both.” I muttered. Will chuckled, walking over and waving me away before grabbing the deer’s legs and hauling it over his shoulders like it weighed less than a feather. It was ridiculously frustrating.


He smiled at me, motioning for me to follow him as he lead the way to George’s house. George was the butcher for the pack, cutting up things like deer or chicken all the time. He was older, and pretty nice, except for the creepy blind eye. It happened during a fight with another wolf. The opponent scratched George’s eye, and George tore out the wolf’s jugular. Kind of disgusting.


As we walked into the house, George looked up to greet us, his blind eye white and scarred over compared to the clear brown one. “Last one?” he asked.


“Yeah, this is it.” Will replied, tossing the deer next to the others, which George and Haven had lined up. “Should’ve seen Raine trying to drag it in here. It was hilarious.”


I glared at Will as George laughed, shaking his head. “Well, it’s here now. No use getting worked up over it.”  


I huffed at that, and Will only reached over, ruffling my hair. I smacked his hand away and growled, making him smirk.


“Alright, alright, stop tormenting the kid Will. Now all of you go on, I’ve got deer to skin.” George said, making me grimace as he ushered us out of the house. Once the door was shut behind us, Will yawned and stretched his arms over his head.


“Well that was fun. Now what?”


“I think I’m gonna let dad know we finished.” Haven mumbled, awkwardly clearing his throat and walking away. I went to follow him, mostly because I wanted to go home, when a hand on my shoulder stopped me.


“Uh-uh. Where do you think you’re going?” Will asked. I frowned, pointing in the direction of the house.




“I don’t think so, tiny Tim. You’re coming with us, and we’re gonna have a nice little talk, aren’t we Tor?”


“Oh yeah. Nice little chat.” Torrence agreed. I winced as Will turned me around, pushing me ahead of him as we went toward the tree line.


“Uh, are you sure we should be going off territory again?” I asked. Will snorted.


“Give me some credit, I’m not that dumb. We’re staying in bounds. We’re just gonna have some privacy.”


“So no one can hear you scream.” Torrence whispered before laughing. Will reached over and smacked his shoulder, making Torrence yelp and narrow his eyes.


“Shut it, idiot.”


I rolled my eyes at them as we went out of sight from the village, the trees hiding us from everyone else. Will finally stopped pushing me and took a step back, crossing his arms over his chest. Torrence stood next to him in the same pose, but he didn’t look nearly as intimidating as Will, who was all beefy muscle while Torrence was more lean. “What do you want?” I asked.


“What was with the little outburst from you and Haven last night?”


Oh, they would ask about that…


I frowned. “Nothing. He was just mad that Rory--”


“-- Took the Alpha position from him, we know.” Torrence cut in, making me glare. “But then you two started arguing about something completely different.”


“It’s nothing. Just stupid stuff.”


Will gave me a suspicious look. “Didn’t sound like ‘stupid stuff’.”


“Yeah, if I didn’t know any better,” Torrence added, “it sounded more like a rejection.”


That word made me wince, but I tried to hide it by glaring further. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I mumbled. Will sighed at that and dropped his arms to his sides, giving me a tolerating look.


“Look Napoleon, I’ve been rejected enough times that I could write a book about it. Kinda hard to find someone when you’re practically related to everyone. I know what it looks like, and sounds like, when you’ve been rejected by someone. Now try and tell me that you were not, in fact, rejected.”


I didn’t know what to say. I was a terrible liar, and sadly, everyone knew that. Even Hathorne knew that. What could I say?




I looked up at Will, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable as I wrapped my arms around myself. He gave me a sympathetic look, and Torrence only nodded, his hands now in his pockets. Then something occured to me.


“You guys… aren’t bothered by it, or anything?” I asked. Torrence snorted, and Will shrugged.


“We don’t care. Do what you want. Like who you will. At the end of the day, you’re still our little teacup poodle.” he said. I glared at him, and he only smirked back. Rolling my eyes, I sighed quietly.


“... Now what?” I asked. Will shrugged again.


“Good question. After all, you have to live with him.”


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