Chapter Twenty One

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Demi's POV

As Cailyn and I walked into the studio, we were greeted with squeals and laughter. All of the girls came running and hugged me.

"What are you doing here Demi?!" Dinah said with a huge smile on her face.

"I came by to see how you guys were doing with your music! Oh by the way, this is my best friend Cailyn. Cailyn, Fifth Harmony. Even though she already knows who you guys are, someone's a huge fan." I said with a wink as Cailyn blushed.

"Hi!" I laughed as Camila immediately greeted her with a smile and a hug. She's such a sweetheart.

"Come see what we're working on, D!" I allowed myself to be pulled by Lauren and Normani.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Camila and Cailyn giggling and talking together. I smiled a little then turned back around. I'm positive Cailyn's lowkey fangirling right now.

Cailyn's POV

You can't believe you're actually sitting and talking with Camila, from Fifth Harmony. You're only 3 years older than her but you've always fangirled when you saw her perform.

"Do you like to sing?"

"I mean, yeah but I dunno if I'm any good.."

"Sing a little for me! I wanna hear!"

You look around nervously at the other girls. Demi is going over sheet music with Lauren while the others are giggling and messing around.

"Oh come on scaredy pants. Follow me!" Camila giggled as she grabbed your hand and pulled you out into the hallway. She sat down on the floor and motioned for you to sit down next to her.

"Okay, now sing."

"Hm okay fine!"

You decide to sing Me and My Girls since it's been stuck in your head since you met them. You take a deep breath, glancing at Camila and start to sing.

Times like this don't always come along

You're all I need, there's nowhere I'd rather be

Then to have you crazy freaks with me

We get crazy with it, we get stupid with it

We don't care if people stare

And when we wobble with it

We get diva on it

We get queen bee on it yeah

We get Britney, Demi, One Direction, Bieber on it

And we play our favorite songs

And we scream out all night long

Like ooh oh

When it's just me and my girls

You stop to look up at Camila and see that she's staring at you, awestruck.

"Wow Cailyn, you're seriously amazing. You just sang our own song better than we did."

"I wouldn't say I sang it better-" You started before she cut you off.

"You're amazing, trust me."

"Thank you, that means a lot coming from you." You smile at her as she stares at you in wonder.

"No problem! You should text me sometime. Can I see your phone?"

"Sure, here." You hand her your phone, your heart beating fast.

"Okay.. There! I put my number in your phone. You better text me later!" She laughed as she handed the phone back.

"I will, don't worry! We should probably head back. Don't want them to think were doing something sketchy in the supply closet."

You look at each other and break out laughing. She's so easy to talk too, you realize. She stands up and holds her hand out. You take it and she pulls you up.

When you get back into the recording studio, you see the girls eyeing you.

"Where'd you go?" Ally said curiously.

"Oh, we were just sitting in the hallway talking and lost track of time. That's all!" Camila said easily as she walked over and sat on Dinah. You laugh softly and smile at the other girls. You sit down next to Lauren and look up at Demi. She's staring at you with a weird expression on her face.

"We're almost done guys! Don't get distracted now!" Ally said as everyone started gathering around her.

"Cailyn knows music pretty good guys, maybe she can help too!" You hear Camila say coyly. You blush and look down at the ground. You still can't believe you're in the same room as Fifth Harmony.

"Okay cool! Get over here Cailyn!" Normani said with a smile.

Later that night..

Demi's POV

Cailyn's being unusually quiet on our ride home. I keep glancing over at her but she's just smiling to herself and staring out the window. I can't help but wonder what her and Camila talked about in the hallway.

"So how'd you like them?" I asked, to break the awkward silence.

"They were awesome. They all insisted on getting my number. Those girls are incredibly easy to talk too and get along with." She said with a smile.

"Good, I'm glad you had fun." I said, looking at the road.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched her nod her head and turn the radio on. She started to sing along softly, retreating back into her own little world. I wonder what's gotten into her. I don't want to admit it but I'm kind of jealous of Camila. Cailyn's been on cloud nine since they started talking.

I shake my head and scold myself. Cailyn doesn't like her like that, Camila's straight and I need to stop feeling threatened by someone who isn't even a legal adult yet.

I'm so dumb sometimes. 

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