Chapter Seven

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit. Oh shit." You wake up to Demi mumbling to herself in the living room. You get up, rubbing your eyes, and walk in the room. She's pacing nervously with her phone in her hand.

"Uh Demi, what are you doing?"

Demi spins around and looks at you. "Oh shit, I didn't know you were awake. Did I wake you? Sorry." she rambles quickly.

"No you didn't, but what's going on? you ask as you walk closer to her.

"Look." she holds out her phone. You take her phone and look at the screen. One of the gossip sites were pulled up and the article read, "Demi Lovato gay? A secret source told reporters that they saw Miss Lovato kissing an unidentified girl. Is this true or is it a hoax? There is no word yet from Lovato's team whether these accusations are true or not."

You look up at Demi and try to read her facial expression but you can't tell what she's feeling. You hand the phone back to her and try to make a joke. "So you're cheating on me now? Who's the mystery girl?" you say with a laugh.

You sit on your couch with a sigh when you realize she isn't paying any attention. Your mind is racing as you try and figure out what to say to her.

"How did anyone even know? We've only kissed in the house.. Maybe someone drove by when we did and saw in the window.. I bet it was Wilmer that told the paps that as revenge since I dumped him. He could have looked in the window like the creep he is.. That fucking pig."

"Demi, it's going to be okay, why don't you just tell them that you were hanging out with friends and you all decided to act like kids and play truth or dare. You got dared to kiss another girl and that's what happened."

Demi sighed and opened her mouth to reply but her phone started ringing. You see that it's her manager calling.

"Hello? Yes I know.. That's no ones business but mine.. Okay.. Tell them it was me and a group of friends playing truth or dare for something to do and I was dared to kiss a girl.. Yeah. Okay, thanks. I will, bye." Demi hangs up her phone then tosses it to the side. You stare up at her waiting for her to say something.

"I have to go. I need to clear my mind."

"No, Demi wait. I'm sorry people found out.."

Demi shakes her head and gathers her stuff. "It's not your fault. I have to go. See you Cailyn" she says with a sigh.

You follow her and grab her hand as she turns to leave. "Wait, don't leave. Please? Do you still want to be with me?"

Demi looks down and nods. You feel your stomach drop a little when she does this. You knew this was too good to be true. You let go of her hand and back away from her. "Just go."

She looks up at you with sad eyes then walks out the door.

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