Chapter 16 || Precognition

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(final chapter! get ready to get as confused as you'll ever be in your life. LOOK UP PRECOGNITION BEFORE YOU START READING. this is only gonna make sense if you remember two very important things: the pyramid in chapter 4 and Maddie's acro solo in her flashback in chapter 15-your clues are in italics!)


Maddie sat upright in bed. Trying to wrap her head around what happened, she picked up her phone and hesitantly dialed Nia's number.

It took several rings before someone finally picked up. "Hello?" Nia's raspy voice answered on the other end. "Oh thank gosh," Maddie sighed in relief. "I had this really weird dream last night. I killed Abby, and you," Maddie giggled.

"All of the other girls committed crimes, and yours was stealing," she continued, and the other line went silent. "Are you still there, Nia?"

"Y-yeah, sorry," she answered finally, a hint of worry in her voice. "Th-that's crazy! I don't steal." Nia exclaimed, forcing a laugh. The last part almost sounded like a lie, but Maddie couldn't worry about that right now.

"I know! Just had to make sure I know, dreaming. See you at dance today!"

"See you!" Nia sang back before ending the call. Maddie got up out of bed, and redirected her gaze to her closet. She quickly picked out an outfit to wear to dance, pulled her hair up into a tight bun, and headed downstairs to eat breakfast before dance. "Morning, Mads," her mom greeted, pouring pancake batter on the griddle.

"Morning," she replied, watching as a plate full of the fluffy cakes was placed in front of her. "I had this crazy dream last night," Maddie began, stuffing her face with her breakfast, but was cut off by her mother.

"I'd love to hear about it honey, but you and Kenzie have to get to dance. Get in the car please."

Maddie scurried off to the car, and hopped in, preparing for the short car ride to the ALDC.


"Good morning, girls!" Abby barked as the elite team made their way into Studio A. "Let's get right to pyramid. We're in a time crunch, so I'm just going to reveal the pictures without any explanation."

"On the bottom is Paige," Abby stated, ripping off the paper to reveal Paige's headshot. She then did the rest of the girls, revealing Kendall, Brooke, Nia, Kenzie, Chloe, and as always, Maddie on the top.

"Jumping right into the dances," Abby began, clapping her hands together. "We will be doing a jazz number called Dancing to The Answers. Maddie, you'll play the lead, the murderer. And each one of you"-she paused to point at the rest of the girls-"will be hiding dangerous secrets."

"Brooke, you have a dark solo this week, it's called Addiction and it's about drugs." Brooke nodded, taking the information in.

"Paige, you also have a solo. I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself." The girls and moms clapped as the smiling blonde nodded. "It's called The Accident, very dark number. Similar to The Last Text."

"And lastly, Maddie. You also have a solo, and just because I'm getting tired of all your contemporary and lyrical numbers, it's acro."


Anything sounding familiar? See if you can dance to the answers yourself on this one.



(final author's note coming up! I will clarify everything that happened if you are really confused cuz I am lol)

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