Chapter 14 || All is Revealed

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(Brace yourself for what you're about to read. Honestly, do it. You are about to discover who the murderer is.)


Paige called all the girls into the den. It took several minutes for Brooke and Kenzie to arrive, and she guessed they had taken a walk or something.

When all the girls were seated in a circle on the floor, Paige began. "We can't wait for any more clues. It's Sunday already, we have to confess," she cried.

"Who wants to go first?" she whispered, hoping the girls trusted that she wasn't using them. "Wait." Kenzie got up and scrambled into another room. She returned moments later, holding what looked like a notebook and dropping it in the middle of the circle. "I think this will help us all."

Maddie stared down at the notebook, her eyes wide. "Where did you get this?" she demanded.

"It was Nia's," Kenzie replied nervously. Maddie opened her mouth to reply, but she was cut off by Paige. "Kenz," she whispered. "you and Nia basically solved the mystery."

Paige scanned the pages of the book slowly, and as she read each girl's secret it all came together. The clues, their mysterious behaviors, their strengths, and their weaknesses. She looked up. "C-Can I read them out loud?"

The girls hesitantly nodded, afraid to discover what everyone's secret was and who had committed a crime worse than the rest.

"Nia stole."

The girls nodded as if it was obvious, they had already known that. Paige just couldn't bring herself to reveal the crimes of the others, but seeing they were looking at her impatiently, she revealed the first crime.

"Kendall.....Kendall kidnapped." The girls nodded, and Kendall did as well, but she did so with a pale face.

"Kenzie blackmailed." Paige looked to Kenzie for approval to continue, and she nodded meekly.

"Brooke....did illegal drugs." Brooke and Kenzie shared a glance, and Kenzie mouthed "I'm sorry." Brooke mouthed back "It's okay." A silent tear streamed down Brooke's face.

"Chloe broke into houses." Paige shared a sad glance with her best friend. She knew it was hard for Chloe moving all the way across the world, but she felt terrible that she decided to cope with it like that.

Paige looked down at the pages. She knew the girls were going to absolutely hate her for what she was about to say. Nia had no knowledge in the notebook as far as her clue, or Maddie's. What could be Maddie's?

She knew Maddie wasn't the murderer, though. She knew because Paige killed Abby. She was the murderer. Now, after coming back to a place she'd sworn never to return to, she regretted it.

If she could go back to that night when she hit Abby with her car and stop this whole thing, she would. It was her fault for getting all the girls into this mess and she was going to come clean about it.

"Paige, the rest of the clues?" Kendall inquired softly.

"What's wrong, don't you have the rest?" Brooke asked worriedly.

Paige shook her head. "Someone's is missing." She took a deep breath, wishing the floor would open up and take her with it, to a place where she could forget about the heavy guilt she had been feeling lately.

"But I know mine," she began. "And I know you're going to hate me for it. I killed Abby."

Gasps were heard around the group and they stared at Paige in shock, slowly backing away from her. "How could you do this to us?" Kenzie cried, clutching to Brooke for safety from Paige. She just hung her head in disappointment.

"W-what now?" Chloe whispered. "Did we win? Did we solve it? Is it over?"

One of the girls scoffed. "You guys are such idiots. Paige didn't kill Abby." They turned to see Maddie looking at them in disgust.

Paige looked back at her. She had never been more confused in her life. A part of her wanted to believe Maddie, and say she wasn't guilty of anything but attempt of murder, but she knew that wasn't the case.

"What are you talking about? Of course I killed her," she weeped. "How would you even know if I didn't?"

"My God, how stupid are you?" Maddie groaned, rolling her eyes. "You didn't kill Abby. You just hit her with your car to get even. You didn't even check to see if she was alive. And I would know because I was there. I saw everything." Maddie stated simply, her face mirroring annoyance and anger.

"Well if Paige didn't kill Abby, who did?" Kenzie questioned, though all the girls seemed to know the answer.

Maddie laughed at her, an evil, taunting laugh. "You guys are so dumb. I did."



who did you suspect from the beginning? did anyone think it was Maddie? most of you probably thought Paige did it, didn't you? 😏

-cai the OH MY LORD WHAT DID I JUST DO bae (hehe)

(ps, I hate to leave you on a cliffhanger, but there are two chapters left and I am posting them tomorrow. I just added another one so I decided to post one cuz you deserve it. thank you for 400 reads! thats crazy!)

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