Author's Note || Just a Thanks

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Hahahhahaha the gif

Okay, sorry if you thought this was an update. I just wanted to say thank you. I came onto wattpad with 12 new notifications, lots of comments, reads, and votes. I'm up to 208 reads, 41 votes, and 20 comments! wooowwww!

thanks to the two people who voted for all my chapters and the one girl who wrote lots of comments! I know not many people read this story, only like 25 at the most each chapter, but it still means a lot that you guys are into this story, asking for more and making predictions.

I feel kinda bad for the way I'm ending it now, you are gonna hate me 😀 I'll tell you now so you're prepared in advance: there's lots of dying and it's a cliffhanger. I suggest you stop reading in the next few chapters if you want a happy ending lol.

(UPDATE: I changed the ending, there is not as much dying. it is just very confusing.)

With that said, thank you sooo much! I promise I will update soon. Love every single one of you who's reading! xo

-caidawg ♡♡

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