Chapter 7

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SORRY ABOUT THE LATE CHAPTER! I WAS PRETTY LAZY AND DECIDED THAT IT WAS A GREAT IDEA TO WRITE ON THE LAST DAY I HAD TOO AKA TODAY. There will be typos and mistakes since I didn't get to edit much. Sorry. Honestly I'm really sorry about that. I've been a bit preoccupied with fanfics and Anime. I'M BACKS! THANKS FOR THE 100 READS. In honor of this event I'll make next chapter a bit longer. :D Hope you enjoy the chapter. I'll be back to regular schedule now. I don't want to go back to school! It's only a couple more days. School sucks so much. I hope that the teachers don't give me too much homework. >_<. Also Maria and Diego are OCs commonly used for Mexico. One represents the north, the other the south. Now onto the chapter.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Who wants to read?" Liechtenstein repeated once more.

"I'll read." Romano said. People were giving him weird looks. He sighed. Are people always this stupid? And they wonder why he's always grumpy and angry at them. Their idiocy drives him nuts. How does America even deal with all of their stupidity?

"Jesus Christ, I don't even know why you guys act surprised anymore. You've all learned quite a lot today, haven't you? We all hide secrets so don't act surprised bastardos. We have a lot to learn about each other. I doubt that this is the end. We'll all get revealed on by one. No one here, sooner or later, is coming out with any secrets left. You bastardos are truly clueless I guess." Romano said angrily. After that no one spoke. They were all speechless. He walked over Liechtenstein and grabbed the book on the table. He gave her a small sweet smile before walking back to his seat. He looked over at her to see her smiling back with a look in her eye saying thank you.

"America honestly cares about Canada as his brother and best friend. And he feels more guilty than anyone else for overlooking him." Romano read. He looked over to Canada to see him tearful. He was crying tears of joy. He looked over to America to see him crying. Not tears of joy, but tears of hate. He hated himself so much.

"I'm- I-. I don't know what to say because there are no words to describe how sorry I am. I'm a pretty terrible brother. I pretend that my brother doesn't exist. What a terrible brother I really am. I really am a monster. I don't deserve you. But then again I never deserved any of you. How can a imbecile like me be friends to any of you?" America said, chuckling at the end. He hated himself a lot more than he let on. A lot. He's done a lot of things he hates himself for. The Vietnam War. The Korean War. The bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The War of 1812. And many more. He started things he never should've. He did things he shouldn't have. So many things. He killed so many innocent people. They probably all hate him. The ghosts of the past haunts him the most. He wants to tell them how sorry he really is. He's a demon that needs to pay for his sins. Maybe that's why he's still alive. Maybe he doesn't deserve death. Maybe. Japan, Vietnam, Canada, and the Koreas probably hate him. He's hurt them all so much. He doesn't deserve to be their friends. Why does he even exist? So many thoughts ran through his mind. He wondered what Allen was currently doing now. Who knows, Allen is always doing something. He snapped out of his thoughts when Canada went over and gave him a big bear hug.

"I love you and I know you do too. I know that you  purposely looked over me to protect me. I know now anyways. You're not an imbecile. You're not a terrible brother. You're the best brother I could ever ask for. Remember what you told Lily? You said that we're all equals, no matter how big or small our country is. You're no exception. I'm suppose to protect you, but here you are protecting me instead. What a terrible brother I am. You're going to hear that a lot today. We've both gone through a lot together and separately. I'm learning so much about you. A lot I didn't know. The things I should've noticed, but I didn't. I-" Canada said, before he was interrupted.

"Don't say that. You're a greater brother better than what I will ever be. I hid things from you cause I was scared of what you were going to do or what you were going to say. I didn't want you to worry about me. I'm sorry, for not telling you. I'm sorry. I didn't want you guys to worry about me when you could barely take care of yourself. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." America quietly said. He had a bit of anger in his voice. He was shaking with anger actually. He didn't tell his brother and now he feels terrible. He was suppose to protect him.

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