7 - A Lovers' Quarrel

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Sawyer's POV

A week passed and it seems like basically all three Heathers are avoiding me. I still have my social status since everyone makes way for me in the hallways, so I don't think Chandler hates me... I mean, I hope not.

I kind of miss her.. I miss the demon queen of highschool. Never thought I'd think that. She's been barely talking to me and all her replies are sharp, quick answers. I also started to hang out with JD a lot more cause of the extra free time away from the Heathers.

I, like many days before, went up to their table during lunch and tried to talk to them.

"Hey guys." I say, sitting down. Duke sighs and McNamara avoids all eye contact with me. I look at Chandler and she doesn't even bat an eye. "... so, how are you all?"

It seemed that Mac wanted to answer but Duke was staring her down. Chandler looks at me sternly and answers in a harsh tone, "We're fine."

"Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool."I nod my head awkwardly, "So what have you guys been up to?"

"Not mu-" McNamara accidentally answers but stops herself when her gaze meets Chandler's light blue- even grayish eyes.

Silence fills the table once again until Chandler breaks it, "What are you doing here?"

I stare at her dead eyes and start fidgeting with my fingers, "Is it wrong to catch up with some friends?"

"Well, what a great friend you've been." Chandler says sarcastically.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, slightly taken back.

"You've been hanging out with trench coat kid an awful lot lately."

"Yeah? Well, you've been ignoring me an awful lot lately, haven't you?"

"Is that why you came here?"


"And what are you expecting exactly? For me to be sympathetic towards you?"

"No, for things to return back to normal."

"Whose to say that, that's not already the case?"


She rolls her eyes, "It's been a week. Suck it up."

I glare at her. "I've already had my share."

She thinks for a second and looks at the others. Duke shrugs and McNamara copies.

"Fine. Be useful and pick us up for the party tonight."

"What about Heather's jeep?" I ask, pointing to Duke.

"Someone had a bit too much fun in it," Chandler eyes Duke, "So I'm not stepping foot inside that shit until it's cleaned."

"I don't have a vehicle." I point out.

"Well, better have one by tonight." She smirks at me, her gray eyes piercing through me. The bell rings and the three of them walk out the cafeteria in unison.

I sigh and grab my back pack, "Great."


I had to beg my parents for me to borrow their car. I then spent the rest of the time before the party practicing on how to drive correctly and not die. How fun.

I managed to drive to Duke's house and let her take the wheel cause I can't drive for shit, obviously. She then went to Mac's next and lastly to Chandler.

"I see you managed." Chandler says to me, almost impressed.

"Yeah, barely." I sheepishly smile to her, to which she returned back.

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