4 - Stay

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Sawyer's POV

I turn over on the bed, hoping to find a comfortable position to sleep in, and take a whiff of a familiar scent. My eyes shoot open when I realized that I'm fully naked. Oh god. I can't even see anything since my face is right next to his neck.

I slowly move my arms from the guy's waist and manage to free my body.. The skin is oddly soft for a guy. I mean, it's so fucking smooth. What skin routine does he use?

I then slowly pull my head away from his grasp and sit up, silently gasping for air. I look down at him and freeze... Oh. OH. OH WOW. OH SHIT.

There I see laying down next to me, instead of some guy, is the almighty, Heather Chandler. I feel a gut wrenching feeling as I think about what she'll do to me when she finds out what happened last night.

I try to stand up but holy crap my.. My thighs feel sore. What did we do last night? No, how much did we do last night? I scurry to the restroom, trying to calm down and decide to take a shower. Y'know, relax and think about what to do next.. What country I should move to.

By the way, her en suite bathroom is freaking huge. It's big, luxurious, and- OH MY- I have the chance to have soft skin.

I step out of the shower, still in awe by the interior designs, and wrap myself with a comfy towel. I walk out, forgetting that I'm supposed to be rushing, and notice Heather wide awake, staring up at me with her phone held to her face.

We both stare each at each other in silence. I can't tell her expression through her blankets and hair but she looks gorgeous- UH now is not the time for gay thoughts, Veronica.

I awkwardly wave my hand to her and smile, "Heeeey.. Heatherrr.."

"If you want some clothes, there's some in my closet." She says, pointing over her shoulders.

".. Um.. W..What?" I blink a couple times, surprised by how calm she is.

"The clothes from last night are dirty."

"I mean.. It can't be that ba-"

"It has a bunch of people's sweat and alcohol on it. Plus some dust from the roof and a bit of grass and dirt."

"What? Ho-"

"So, I suggest you to get one of my outfits over there." She says, slightly impatient.

"..Okay.." I walk over and open her walk in closet.

It was huge with all kinds of expensive looking clothes on it. It feels like I'm at, like, a.. a.. A Louis Vuitton store right now. I look around, overwhelmed. I see a slender arm reach out from behind me and grab a large red sweater with a small gold crown imprinted on it near the upper right of its front. She also pulls out a pair of black leggings and her.. Her underwear.

She speaks out, right behind me, "Just wear this."

I silently grab the sweater and rush to the restroom to out it on.

"Hey," She calls out, "Where are you going?"

"To- To the restroom?"

"Why don't you change out here?" She asks, smirking.

"Because you're here." I say, looking away from her naked body.

"We literally fucked last night, and yet you still get embarrassed?" She asks as I slowly grab my bra from the ground.

"I-I don't remember anything so.." I hurry to the restroom before she could say anything else. I change into the outfit she picked for me and honestly, it fit pretty nicely. Well, other than the over sized sweater but that's besides the point.

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