6 - Miscommunication

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Chandler's POV

During lunch, instead of the usual chatter among us four, there was only three while the other one was chatting up a storm with a fucking emo. And he was fucking touching and everything with Veronica. 

"Hey, you okay?" McNamara asks, pointing to my balled up fist.

"Oh, uh, yeah." I turn back to the table, as I play with my food. "Do you guys want any?"

They both replied no and I continued to push around my food. McNamara and Duke talked on and on about whatever while I was more focused on the situation behind them. JD had his hands on her waist. He was invading all kinds of privacies. He makes her laugh hard, but I could do that. I did it yesterday and we had a blast. At least his hands are off her- nope it's back on. I swear, that fucker is trying to challenge me. But a challenge or not, I will win, no matter what I takes.

Duke waves her hand in front of me to which I respond by smacking it away. "What you looking at?" She looks in the direction I was staring at.

"Veronica's talking to some boy~"  McNamara says. "He look kinda emo."

"He fucking is emo. With that stupid hair and weird trench coat. Like, who wears a fucking trench coat when it's fucking hot outside anyways?!"

"Ooh, is someone jealous?" Duke asks, laughing.

"Shut up, Heather. I don't have the patience for you right now."

"Veronica's on her way back~" McNamara sings.

"Great." I whisper.

Veronica takes a seat next to me and McNamara teases her, "Wow, drool much?"

Veronica rolls her eyes in response, "Sorry I barely hung out with you guys. I promised him I'd talk to him today."

I ask, "Promised? When?" All three of us lean in for her response.

She leans back a bit, "Yesterday at 7/11."

"Yeah of fucking course.." I mutter underneath my breath while we all sit back normally.

"What did-" She starts but the bell rings. I immediately stand up.

I look to her, "I'm heading to the restroom, and don't follow me."

"I'll come with you." Duke says.

"Don't." I head to the restroom and take a breath.

I try to calm down, and slam the sink counter.

"Heather?" I look over to see Veronica coming in.

I grit my teeth, "Why'd you follow me? I told you not to."

"I mean, being here is already breaking a rule, so I might as well break another one." I sigh at her nonsense. "So, what's wrong?" She asks as I take a quick breath.

"Nothing. Just.. Tired. That's all."

".. Heather."

"What?" I ask harshly.

"I know that's not the truth." I walk over to her and stare her down.

"Stop pulling my dick, Veronica." I shove past her, "I'll be late to class." I walk out without another glance.

".. Heather.."


Sawyer's POV

Ugh, what did I do this time? Did I say something offensive yesterday? What if she thinks I'm a total asshole and hates me? Oh fuck, that'll be a living nightmare-

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