chapter 6

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( there is blood and gore guys! You have been warned! I don't advise this for under 13s. because so far I got 4 messages? Saying that they don't like how I'm writing this? Again there's swearing and gore! )

"Get away from me you fucking rat! "

I laughed as I looked at the panicked man. Even though blood ran effortlessly down my palm and my body. He was still cowardly trying to back away.

"Why should I? " I licked my bottom lip as I stared at the man ... His eyes were so pathetic.

I tsked and turned around..

I looked back as I saw the destruction that littered the land.

Bodies that were burning to the crisp. The once stable glass chamber now shattered. The road was cracked in multiple areas.

"Get in!"

I snapped my head to the side to see Deku.

Where were the others?

I ran towards them and jumped into the back seat. My hand crumbling Into the side of my stomach. Ah what a pain.


"On it boss! " he squeaked as he skidded along the ground and put it full speed.

I felt the car jerk up and then back down.

"I don't remember there being a speed bump? "

He adjusted his mirror so his dull emerald eyes looked at me.

"oh there wasnt. That bastard Just called my boss a rat. "

I smirked as I looked behind the see his lower half completely crippled.

I laughed a little followed by a hiss of pain.

"Boss?! You okay?! "

I couldn't speak. The pain as unbearable. I was clutching whatever I could to distract me from the pain. Deku kept viewing back and forth to look at me to see if I was in a stable condition.

I looked down as the blood stained the seats. I pulled up my shirt as the car seemed to swerve.

"P-please keep you clothes on! "

I rolled my eyes as I looked. My wounds had opened up...

Blood was leaking all in the car. My body was starting to curse at itself as my breathes became heavier.

"fuck... DEKU! "

He quickly adjusted his tie and looked again slightly in the mirror.

"Ye-yes boss? "

"Do you have anything I can use to stitch this shit up?! "

"I don't know...  I stabbed a guy for this car..."

I quirked an eyebrow. Knowing Deku he wouldn't stab some one?

"who else... Made it? "

He looked straight ahead.

"Kacchan...  Uraraka... Todoroki.... A couple of others. Alot hasn't come to the other base. Im guessing their in hiding. "

I laughed quietly..

"So katsuki killed the guy. "

"yeah... "

"speaking of that. Where are they? "

As I spoke my eyes widened and I felt my hand try to cover my mouth as I sputtered and spat out any blood that clogged my throat.

"Their watching. Making sure no one follows us. "

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