chapter 3

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My hair was stuck to my face due to the sweat and blood that piled there. I was shivering emensly. Fuck me dead.

I looked down to see me sitting in a pool of my own blood, and right now no one was here to help me.

My breaths were heavy and sloppy, I wasn't really planning on controlling them when all my aim was just to stay alive.

That bastard pretended he didn't know me... It made me sick.

I was seeing flashes of white and black as my body shivered and my eyes glistened with tears.

I didn't want to die. I didn't want destiny to control when I fired. And I sure in hell wasnt going to die with the guy I hated most standing infront of me, I bet he mocked me as well.

I cough and sputtered as I shrunk to the ground. My leg promt my arm up while the other one was laying outwards. My eyes nearly hidden by my hair, and my mouth and chin covered in new blood and saliva.

I looked at my Riped clothing and stab wounds all over my body. I still haven't taken the knives out and at this moment I wasn't even going to look at the wound. I didn't want to be reminded of the way I died, if I died here. Unless a miracle could occur I was mostly fucked.

Flashes of blood and bodies swarmed my memory. This is what I live for... But my body didn't like it in return.

People started walking by, not one person noticed me on the grounded pavement. The light barely reaching me from the end of the alley way.

"Yo... Isn't it that the chick on the news who killed our pals? "

"yeah I think it was? " he tried to sound intimidating

I didn't look up at them, i continued to stare at the floor while clutching my stomach. I didn't have time.

I'm running out of time.

Is this how my debut went? Killed some dudes then died.

"oh is she hurt by our words? "

I chuckled. I raised my head to face them, my eyes burned into their skulls with my e/c hypnotic orbes.

"not exactly" they shivered a little as they saw my appearance.

"oh shit... " they finally realised the pool of blood surrounding me and now their shoes. It was a lot of blood .

Their eyes held so much fear and disgust as they eyes my body from head to toe looking at all the bloodied clothes and cuts. And dont forget the knives sticking out of my body.

I grunted tiredly forcing myself up.

"Looky here kids. I'm not in a good state and if you try... I might kill you run along. And pretend you didnt see shit"

They stood there with shocked expressions as they eyed my body. Knives jammed into my stomach, cuts and bruises. My hair and eyes were wild. Hell some of the blood wasn't mine..

They didn't speak a word until one ran up and tried to kick you, you kept blocking swiftly But as time went on, your movements become Sluggish... When you thought you could handle them, another joined and then the last one until they all got you on the ground.

You let them beat you, you couldn't move....

Until you smelt it. Burning?

My time is up. Have I done enough...

I was always ready to die but now that it's here I'm scared. I didn't want to admit it at the time but.. I wanted to do more.

I looked up to see gorgeous blue flames engolf the user and the alley way, slowly crawling to the kids until they all decided to run for it.

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