chapter 2

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"an unknown individual was reported seen enter an alley way and then soon later exiting with bloodied clothes.... "

After a long pause it started again.

"three young males were found dead, one being shot, and the two other being brutally beaten to death. "

The news blasted followed by just as annoying voice.


"Ahhh katsuki~ calm the fuck down."

"NAH! You killed three people and you didn't even try to hide yourself! You wanna try to fuck us all over!?"

I sighed and face palmed slightly. He's underestimating me.

Just like that. I was in front of the male.

He stumbled back at the sudden action.

"stop underestimating me you lil shit"

Venom dripping from my voice. I let out an inexplicable aura leaked from my skin putting the brat on edge. It was so much fun, unlocking others quirks and activating them.

His wide eyes but my callous side seem to put me over edge. I just wanted to hurt something. Some one.

"now listen... In a few days kiddies from the big school, UA is going to the USJ to play hero... And the number one hero stain is going to be there... We're going to kill him and let's see if we can... Convince others to our side. "

He just gave me a deadly glare and clicked his tounge and walked away.

Mina walked out following tsuyu.

"I over heard some stuff... Imma rip them to shreds!" she giggled followed by tsuyu.

"Ahhh can't wait for their screams! Ribbit~"

I looked around back to the TV and left the room.

I started training, if I'm gonna beat their asses I need to be stronger.

First was the punching bag.

I brought some upper cuts and round house kicks.


I sighed. What now?

I gave out a hummed response.

"wanna be my new test dummy ? I swear it won't hurt! "

I gave a glare, indicating I wasnt really into that.

"depends deku... What do I get out of it? "

He only chuckled slightly, swirling a needle inbetween his gloved hand. His expression was always so hard to read. He was either smiling like a goof ball to hide his sick intentions or frowning to show his sick intention. But you never knew what his sick intentions were.

Before he could respond, sirens started to surround the building.

"shit... Deku get every one in the bar..."

"But boss~"

"fucking do it deku! Or you won't have any more test dummies! "

He cursed under neath his breath a rushed off.

I grabbed my coat and walked towards the group.

"what the fuck is this boss? Why are we here? "

Before I even could answer that questions every one could hear the feet pattering against the cement in mass numbers followed by nearly muted sirens.

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