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I whined at the bright light on me, specially my eyes. Ugh...that's why I hate mornings. Where is my eye mask? My hand raked through the sheets to find it.

Where is it?

After few unsuccessful attempts, I covered my eyes with my hand as I groaned, sitting up.

That was until sharp pain coursed through my body. My neck specially, I fell back on the pillow into my previous place. Its hurts so much, why?

My head started throbbing as well like blood was pulsing through my vein on temples, fast. I whimpered unable to move or do something.

"Mom.....I want some....aspirins....I might—I might have a....hangover..." I mumbled out with difficulty. I knew that there was no way my mum could hear me all the way from my room.

"You're awake?" A voice answered me. My whole body flinched not only because of sudden reply but also because this voice definitely did not belong to Mom.

I kept still not uttering a word. Is there a intruder at our house? because it's been me and mum for long. And as far as I can tell this voice did not belong to someone older than 15.

Could it be Satsuki, the kid next door? But I really have no energy or time to handle this brat.

"Go away..." I groaned, shooing him away with the gesture of my hand.

"That's what I was going to say to you. Go away, you're occupying the bed. You can't lay on it forever."

What? Am I in his freaking bed?
I don't think so!

"You little twerp, how dare you talk to me like that? You forgot how many chocolates I gave—" I stopped dead at my tracks, the kid in front of me didn't have blonde locks like Satsuki or his caramel eyes.


The reality crashed on me hard. My emotions drained out of me until none were left. I felt hallow; empty.

In front of me was Ryuu not Satsuki.

I wasn't in my home, I was in the medical wing.

I wasn't Chika anymore I was Princess Yume.

I wasn't having a hangover, I was hurt by Obi.

"Are you alright?" Ryuu's voice broke the tension and silence in the room. I dragged my now heavy eyes to his aqua orbs, which showed confusion and concern.

My legs barely held me up as I made my way towards the open window. It was almost evening, the sky was dusted in purple and pink. All of sudden every glittering thing I found wonderful in anime, dulled, till I forgot all of them.

I just wanna go home.

And I will.

With newfound determination, I turned around and marched past the little dark haired kid who protested to stay put but I ignored him. I ripped if the bandages off my neck and my cheek. I pulled on my hair shuffled them around my neck and adjusted my bang over my cheeks.

I need to hide these scratches for now.

I don't know how but after a minute I found Prince Raji and Sakaki following Prince Izana probably to the sleeping chambers. I took a deep breath and ran my hand over my hair one last time and walked as gracefully as possible towards them, specifically Raj.

I had pasted a sickly sweet smile on my face as I greeted them. They looked at me weirdly but none of them said anything. I grabbed Raji's hand still managing my somewhat sweet smile.

"Big brother, I wanna go home!" I whined, giving Prince Raj the best puppy dog eyes I could make right now. He gaped and giving me an incredulous look which meant 'Are you kidding me!?'

"Princess, we just arrived here. Are you feeling unwell?" Sakaki asked, cautiously.

Yes, I am feeling unwell and I will until I get of this kingdom.

"Please..." I pleaded. I couldn't handle staying here a minute longer when he may be lurking around trying to—

"Alright, alright! Stop crying." I hadn't realized that I was crying until Prince Raji pointed it out. I feel so crushed...

"I think you should comply with her" Prince Izana said when Raji gave him a apologetic look. Raji sighed and asked Sakaki to stop the servants from unloading further and get the carriages ready to depart...again.

We stood in a awkward silence when Sakaki left us. I then excused myself to wash my face but I didn't go anywhere near the castle in fact, I left the castle grounds quickly as they were scalding me. I pushed through the maidservants who rushed to load the carriages...again.

I fell in step beside Sakaki who walked steadily, his eyes analyzing the progress. He only noticed me when few servant bowed and greeted me.

"Princess Yume, I failed to noticed when you arrived here—" Sakaki said but I cut him off by raising my hand and shook my head to show that he shouldn't worry.

"That's alright, I just wanted to walk with you and watch you all work....yeah, that's right. Don't mind me" I smiled. Sakaki seemed doubtful but didn't push it. He continued to coordinate the servants while I felt bad about lying to both Raji and him.

I just—I don't know how I feel. What should I feel right now. Maybe I am sad...No, I–I am homesick.

I recalled my mom's face. Should she be worried out of her fits right now? She should have noticed I was gone by now, right?


Maybe she's relieved I am not there anymore? She can go on with her life without me burdening her. That's what she will do. And was about him? Is he worried? Is he looking for me right now?

What should I do?

I felt a pat on my shoulder which pulled out of my thoughts. Sakaki was giving me a...pitiful look?

Okay, I zone out a lot but if he dares to think that a mental disorder.... Wait, he already does. Everyone does since I dropped in this freaking place. But what can I do about it!? I can't even imitate the way I was supposed to act because the was no bloody Princess Yume they seem to think there was! There couldn't be...

I huffed in annoyance and shrugged his hand off. I sped-walked to the carriage as soon as Sakaki muttered what he wanted me to do. I stepped inside instead of sighing in relief, my irritation grew when I saw Prince Raji had seated his majestic butt inside the same carriage.

Great, another person I don't want to face. In fact I don't want to face anyone not from this world at leas—

I flinched when something brushed my cheek. I found my so called brother's hand brushed back my hair, his orbs trailing over my cuts. His eyes widened slightly when he saw bigger one at my neck. Finally, his gaze fell on my orbs.

"You are going to tell me what happened, right now" He said, firmly.

And I had the feeling that I couldn't get out of this one.

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Sucked into my laptop! (Obi x Oc) (Akagami No Shirayukihime)Where stories live. Discover now